
Hey guys! I just wanted to tell you that there is a new, fun writing contest by crazyauthor231!! You should really go check it out! It's going to be a really fun thing to do, and there are some pretty good prizes! While you are checking out her contest, check out some of her stories! She is an amazing writer and I love all of her stories! So check out the contest and have some fun writing about loss... Hope you do it! Once again the name is crazyauthor231! Please, check it out, it is totally worth it!!!


@deebers2 OH MY GOD, thank you so much! <3 <3 <3 You're so kind! :D


Hey guys! I just wanted to tell you that there is a new, fun writing contest by crazyauthor231!! You should really go check it out! It's going to be a really fun thing to do, and there are some pretty good prizes! While you are checking out her contest, check out some of her stories! She is an amazing writer and I love all of her stories! So check out the contest and have some fun writing about loss... Hope you do it! Once again the name is crazyauthor231! Please, check it out, it is totally worth it!!!


@deebers2 OH MY GOD, thank you so much! <3 <3 <3 You're so kind! :D