
Hello friends, and readers!
          	This message is to inform all of you that I unpublished "[End] Marco-zoned" from my SPG Stories [R-18]. I am going to revise it and will add a 5th chapter, which I forgot to write. I am going to follow the story sequence of the 2 stories written before Marco-zoned; The Reunion and de Vera Drugged. 
          	Also, I would like to inform you guys that I already updated "Just Friends" an hour early than I promised. If you guys have time, and would like to read a new story, please do check mine. Thank you and God bless!
          	I love you all!! ❤️


Hello friends, and readers!
          This message is to inform all of you that I unpublished "[End] Marco-zoned" from my SPG Stories [R-18]. I am going to revise it and will add a 5th chapter, which I forgot to write. I am going to follow the story sequence of the 2 stories written before Marco-zoned; The Reunion and de Vera Drugged. 
          Also, I would like to inform you guys that I already updated "Just Friends" an hour early than I promised. If you guys have time, and would like to read a new story, please do check mine. Thank you and God bless!
          I love you all!! ❤️


The JF's new update (2nd Chapter) was not meant to be published. I accidentally pressed Publish, instead of Preview. My bad, I wasn't even done writing it. So, I deleted it right away. I'm sorry for the inconvenience. But no worries, I will be posting it this Friday!!


Hi readers and friends, I posted a new story and will be updating it every Friday. If you have time, please do check it out. Thank you very much! I appreciate all of you.
          "Just Friends"
          Andi Gomez and Seth Rojas are living under the same roof in Granada, Philippines; with the consent of both parents, of course. The story isn't that complicated, though, well, not until, Seth got his heart broken and a suitor appeared.


Hi reader of your stories. ❤❤❤


@dannthewriter you're welcome author..may kasunod na naman bang story yung after kay marco?


@faithale11 omg thank you! I really appreciate you po 


Hey readers, I gave Dana [R-18] a fresh look and story. I hope you guys will take time to read it and support it for I have so many wonderful ideas for the plot of the story. This version is 97% different from the original, but this version is for sure a 1000 times better.
          Here's the synopsis:
          Dana [R-18]
          Dana Imperial, an independent electrical engineer, hates men. She wasn't always like this. In fact, she has fallen in love 3 times already but always with the wrong person. They never treated her right, she caught them cheat, they called her names, they even physically harmed her. She was traumatized.
          She may have fallen down 7 times, but she stood up 8. And now, she is back with vengeance. You will see a Dana 2.0, a better version than the original, a stronger version, a wiser one, a limited version that gives men what they truly deserve, and above all, a woman that will never fall in love with any men, ever again.
          This is a story about sex, love, and other complicated turn of events.


this message may be offensive
I have made major changes in The Fuck It List [R-18]. Please check it out dahil I have decided na doon ako magfo-focus sa ngayon dahil yun lang ang story ko na siguradong hindi made-delete sa wattpad.