
I apologize for the sudden notice.
          	I just unpublished most of my works because of several personal reasons that I can't tell you here, but I'm really, really, really sorry. I made this decision for a long time and thought thoroughly about deleting my popular works. I've been here since 2013 and have already written my own fiction since 2015. Since then, I've obtained a lot of friends, readers, and people who really love my stories. It has been a long ride. Gaining 6K+ viewers was an enjoyable journey for me. But I've come to this decision which I personally know that this is the best for me.
          	I know some of you might be disappointed, but I hope you understand.
          	Once again, I apologize to all of you. Thank you for supporting me since day 1, sending me a lot of lovely messages and supports. May God bless you!


I apologize for the sudden notice.
          I just unpublished most of my works because of several personal reasons that I can't tell you here, but I'm really, really, really sorry. I made this decision for a long time and thought thoroughly about deleting my popular works. I've been here since 2013 and have already written my own fiction since 2015. Since then, I've obtained a lot of friends, readers, and people who really love my stories. It has been a long ride. Gaining 6K+ viewers was an enjoyable journey for me. But I've come to this decision which I personally know that this is the best for me.
          I know some of you might be disappointed, but I hope you understand.
          Once again, I apologize to all of you. Thank you for supporting me since day 1, sending me a lot of lovely messages and supports. May God bless you!


Selamat pagi. Maybe this is the first time i ever wrote a message in the morning haha. Hanya ingin notify all of the old readers who read Hathoreros in 2017. Aku sudah re-publish Hathoreros, dan baru sampai chapter 1. Bagian lainnya sudah ada yang siap publish, ada yang belum di-edit, ada yang masih dalam proses revisi, dan ada juga yang masih dalam proses penulisan. Gak banyak kok, mungkin sekitar 4-5 chapters ditambah epilogue. Aku usahakan minggu ini selesai semua.
          Bagi kalian pecinta cerita fantasy, werewolf, boleh mampir ke Hathoreros. Ehh tapi ingat, ini khusus pembaca berumur 18 tahun ke atas. This story contains mature scenes and dark theme.
          This is the re-publish version from the original version in 2017. I made a huge revision. You may find the prologue is still the same, yeah because I didn't change it. But there are a big differences in the content of every chapters. Some plot I changed, dialogues, scenes, or I just added some scenes a little bit to make it more makes sense, and well-structured. I hope you like it!


@deeefaaa iyaaa daa uhuuyy


@ deeefaaa  oh ternyata hathoreros itu punyamu? Hehe


hiii, Annihilation sudah di-edit! Ada beberapa kalimat yang diganti dan ditambahkan, supaya lebih make sense. Bagi yang kangen, boleh baca ulang. Bagi yang belum membaca, selamat membaca. I hope you have an enjoyable reading peeps :)
          in a form of my gratitude to all of you who have voted and added my stories in your reading list, so if you guys have followed me, i will follow you back! thank you so much for your support ^^ have a great dream and stay healthy.
          Sampai bertemu lagi di Hathoreros. hehe.
          P.S : yes i will re-publish Hathoreros soon, cuz im on holiyeayyy


hiii peeps! it has been a very very very long time. how are you?
          i just wanna say, thank you soooo much for you guys that have voted and added my story to your reading list. you never know how freaking happy i am whenever i open my notif and see all of them.
          in a form of my appreciation to all of you who have voted and added my stories to your reading list, so if you guys have followed me, i will follow you back! 
          thank you so much for making my day. stay healthy and have a good dream x.


Hello peeps! I just republished Fact or Fake and Masquerade Marriage. For you guys who miss them, go check out and read it all over from the start! Also if you guys didnt buy the novel version of Masquerade Marriage, i republished it until the epilogue you can read it for free Thank you so much for all your love and supports, may God bless you and have a good dreams.


@deeefaaa wah semangat dan sukses selalu pokoknya buat persiapan masuk kuliahnya dan yg lain termasuk dunia fictionny ini, terus masalah bikin cerita lagi sebagai reader cuman bisa bilang jangan pernah bosen nulis ajaa yaa thor hehe, kangen berat sama tulisan kamu
          Terus project baru saiino ini udah kerasa seneng banget masaaa
          Seruuu pasti dan entah kenapa aku sukanya pake lebih ke karakter pendukung pair naruto ini *saiino*
          Okedeh thor mangatsss selalu


Siappp kak❤️❤️❤️


@cloesalsabilaahh yaampunn kamu suka banget bikin aku terharuuu uhuhuhu terima kasihhhh banyak, sampai aku gatau harus seberapa banyak lagi aku berterima kasih. Kamu reader terhangat sekaligus teman terhebatku di wattpad. Seneng bisa kenal sama kamu. Makasihh udah disemangatin! Kamu juga tetep semangat ya melewati segala macam hal di hari2 kamu kedepannya. Siapp!!! Ditunggu tanggal mainnya wkwkwk. Aku juga! Aku suka banget saiino. Mangat juga <3


Salken kak! Btw aku suka banget cerita kakak yang Saiino. Buat lagi dong please?? Aku suka bangets cerita kakak!


@ SaiShimuraSai  masama! Setia nunggu kak!


@SaiShimuraSai haloo salam kenal jugaa :) iyaa ide udah beterbangan nihh, aku juga kangen mau buat cerita saiino lagi. Ditunggu aja yaaa, makasih banyaakkkkk ^^)/