
I am back from the dead. After seven years I am finally picking up the fragments of my book The Winter Wolves. I would appreciate any feedback you guys have to give. I am beyond excited to get this project up and running.


I am back from the dead. After seven years I am finally picking up the fragments of my book The Winter Wolves. I would appreciate any feedback you guys have to give. I am beyond excited to get this project up and running.


Hi! I’m not sure if you’re still in Attack on titan but I was looking through my computer and I saw the one shot you wrote for Childhood Friends and just had to reread it! And on my god, it brought tears to my eyes all over again! I just wanted to drop by and say that you are an incredible writer! :)


@missymaris thank you sorry for the late reply lol just getting back into writing 


Just wanted to say I'm a bit obsessed with your book. I've never read anything like it. I get quite bored of werewolf books these days because most seem to revolve around romance but yours doesn't and I love that! Can't wait to keep reading.