
happy belated valentines day pasmudian sayang!! may your was filled with love and happiness ya! yuk mampir ke instagram mereka untuk liat story valentine-an mereka!


          thankyou so much for staying with me throughout 2024 ya. dan aku bener bener minta maaf karena sering hilang dari dunia wattpad ini huhu
          i wish you all good things in this new year! i hope you guys would still bare with me for another year ya ;)
          new chapter is coming soon hehe (still cooking lol) 
          happy dan sehat sehat selalu ya!!!


hi pasmudians! 
          my apologies for being inactive… again. 
          aku tau aku janji mulu ke kalian tapi ga pernah ditepatin  maafin aku ya T______T aku mau jujur aja, emang aku selama beberapa bulan ini sibuk tapi aku juga buntu dan ngerasa gaada motivasi buat lanjutin wattpad :( 
          padahal draft nya udah ada tapi buat ngelanjutinnya itu looohhhh motivasinya susah bgt buat didapetin :” 
          im still trying to revise the draft for the next chapter and you may not trust me anymore but yk what, a new chapter is coming up. cant promise you the date but just mark my words i’ll be posting soon  
          ini aku lagi ngetik hihihi tungguin yaw!!! 
          gn pasm’ i missed u so bad </3


@ deewthewriter  semangattt thor dew<3


by the way guys, i just wanna say THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 53K READERS OMG T_____T
          cant believe we’ve come so far  it’s all thanks to you guys my beloved pasmudians❤️❤️ 
          terimakasih banyak sudah selalu setia ya dengan karya amatirku Pasangan Muda <3 words cannot describe how grateful i am to have this community ❤️❤️ this is such an amazing gift before ending my 2023 
          i promise you i will work even harder in the future!!! pls tagih tagih aku terus kalo aku update nya lama ya hehehehehhehe 
          luv u all so much!!!