
⠀⠀⠀╱⠀⠀⠀carly  got  me  thinking  of  them  again  so  cb  nd  specify..⠀⠀⠀'ll   make  a  new  theme  for  them  later   <3


/ and if i said angst on 9S (pls ignore me being on chishiya i didn’t wanna change accs..) :3


“ careful, you idiot. you’re gonna get yourself fatally hurt.” 9S stated bluntly, sighing deeply. “you’re lucky i-“ he hesitated. “’re lucky you’re my friend.” he cleared his throat.


@ninesuffering   . . .
            6D  glanced  up  from  the  floor   ,   expression  under  their  visor  flickering  slightly  as  they  acknowledged  9S   's   concern   .   they  wore  a  nonchalant  expression   ,   attempting  to  downplay  the  severity  of  the  situation   .   ❝   i  know   . . .   i  know  i   'm   pushing  it  sometimes   ,   i  guess  i  forget  i   'm   not  made  for  combat   . .   ❞   they  sighed   ,   looking  up  to  him   .   ❝   . . .   i   'm   glad  to  have  you  looking  out  for  me  though   ,    i  promise  i   'll   try  my  best  not  to  get  myself  fatally  hurt   .   ❞   their  sentence  stopped  there   ,   despite  the  way  they  seemed  to  want  to  comment  on  the  hesitation   . . .   yet  made  no  move  to   .


/ . wattpad can’t keep me down for long!!!!
          used to be rosepetalsfall-_ btw—the one with the gunner nier oc


            / . ye it be a jerk…but i is back!
            and i replayed nier automata! got full lore knowledge back in my brain


            ╱   WELCOME  BACK   !!!
            what  happened  to  your  main  omg   </3   i  noticed  wattpad  got  to  you  too   </3


          “6D.” his voice was quiet, as if were were somewhat nervous. he swallowed thickly, keeping his head down. “c- can i tell you something? ..really important.” could he really do this? 9S was so scared of rejection. but better to get rejected then keep his feelings hidden, right?


@ninesuffering  ..
            ╱ okay totally random but ,, ily and your literacy frfr <33 you have sm talent && it always shows in your writing && characterization .  you impress me every time we interact <33 /pos /gen
            6D stayed quiet as they let him figure out his words ,, eyebrows furrowing for a moment . though not in a bad way , heavens no , it was more so in a way about them realizing they 've never seen him this way , not this embarrassed or nervous . it was as endearing as it was new to them , they almost couldn 't help but smile just from thinking about it . the whole emotions is prohibited thing crossed their mind at the mention of it , he said he had broken it many times before — but perhaps they had broken the rule just as many times too . because even just now they couldn 't help the way they felt themselves get flushed over hearing the word love be used in the same sentence as them being addressed , ❝ feelings . . . for . . . me ? ❞ 6D echoed , softly in a mumble , their breath hitching in their throat for a moment as they tried to swallow down the sudden rush of emotions that coursed through their systems . they had heard of such a thing when reading about humans who lived here long before , but to be hearing such words come from 9S himself had their eyes widening ever so slightly . it was moments like these that they were thankful for the blindfolds they wore . ❝ i . . . ❞ they started , breathing in another short intake of air , now growing nervous themselves . it was almost relieving to hear that what they had been experiencing around him , he had been going through as well . it was mutual . . . ❝ 9S . . what . . what are you saying ? ❞ they asked softly , afraid that perhaps this could 've been too good to be true . love . . . was that what this could be considered as ? was that the label to all the feelings and stuff they were feeling ? all this time they had just thought their systems were malfunctioning . . . but perhaps not ?


“uhm..” he trailed off, about to say a quick ‘never mind,’ before he decided against it at the last second. he closed his eyes, embarrassed. “i, well.. you know how emotions are prohibited? i’ve broken that rule, so many times. we both know this. but this one.. this is different.” he inhaled deeply, then exhaled. “i didn’t think we’d ever been programmed to love. but that’s.. that was until i spent so much more time with you. i didn’t know what it was. hell, i even asked 2B, but she just told me to worry about our mission.” he sighed deeply. “until i finally realized what it was. i had /feelings/ for you. more accurately, i would feel my systems heat up when i was near you—hell, they’re heating up even now.” he admitted, embarrassed, before he continued, “my head would spiral, as if i was in a trance whenever i looked at you. i thought it was admiration at first, maybe.” he said quietly. “but i realize that now, it.. it was love.”


@ninesuffering   . . .
            ╱   I  LOVE  HIM  SO  MUCH  I  CAN   'T   DO  THIS  BRO   ,   THIS  IS  SO  SWEET   ,   TY  MWAHMWAH   <333   ALSO  TAKE  YOUR  TIME  BABES  OMG   <33  NO  RUSH  :]
            6D   's   head  turned  when  they  heard  their  comrades  voice   ,   ❝   yes   ,   9S   ?   ❞   however   ,   their  expression  seemed  to  soften  up  ever  so  slightly  when  they  took  notice  in  his  body  language   .   this  had  to  have  been  serious  if  he  was  acting  in  this  manner   .   ❝   of  course   ,   what  seems  to   be  the  matter   ?   ❞


his breath hitched, and he fell to his knees. “6D,” 9S weakly called out, lifting his head just slightly to look at them. “don’t.. don’t leave me here, okay?” he swallowed, it hurt to speak. “I know that ‘m gonna die. but.. but please, don’t leave. not until i’m dead,” he pleaded. he was nearly gasping for air, his body trembling. “6D.” he called out again, his voice softer. “i love you. so much. i- i didn’t know what it was before,” he laughed dryly. “does the no emotions rule still apply if i’m on my deathbed?” he tried to smile, but it seemed to take so much out of him. “even if it does, i don’t care.” he let his eyes fall closed for a few seconds. “i just wanted to tell you how i felt..” he paused to go into a coughing fit, spitting out blood. “before it was too late.”
          / HIIIII, DO YOU LIKE MY GIFT /lh


this message may be offensive
it  astonished  them   ,   really   ,   but  they  didn   't   mind   . . .   at  least  this  way  they  could  attempt  to  memorize  his  voice  into  their  systems  as  a  last  hope   .   ❝   and  i   'll   be  here  until  your  eyes  close   ,   i  promise   .   ❞   his  words  came  as  a  surprise  to  them   ,   moving  back  slightly  in  order  to  look  at  him   .   they  recognized  how  his  eyes  could  barely  stay  open   ,   so  instead  they  opted  for  bringing  him  close   ,   placing  their  hand  on  the  back  of  his  head  in  an  attempt  to  hold  him  gently   .   who  would   've   thought  this  was  where  they   'd   get  to  do  this  for  the  first  time   ?   ❝   . . .   i   'm   glad  it   's   me   ,   though   . .   ❞   they  admitted  softly   ,   their  own  eyes  closing  in  hopes  to  ignore  the  emotions  that  swelled  in  their  hues   .   the  pain  and  love  they  held  turning  into  tears   ,   begging  to  be  heard   . 
            [   4/4   .   I  AM  SO  FUCKING  SORRY  HOLY  SHIT-
            MY  BAD   :SOB:   /GEN   ]
            ╱   unfortunately i can't say i don't , because i do : pensive : /lh ( STOP , YOU'RE SO SWEET OMG </3 THANK YOUUU , THAT MEANS SO MUCH TO ME , CRYINGGG <33 also uh , pls lmk if you want me to write less ,, i tend to get carried away w/rp and turn into adv lit and i'm sorry for that LMAO also don't feel pressure to match either , pls , like i said , i just tend to get carried away </3 i'm so sorry , just lemme know what's good and / or better for you or preferred LMAO


❝   . . .   but  i   'm   glad  you  told  me  anyway   .   ❞   his  attempt  to  tease   ,   to  make  the  atmosphere  more  lighthearted  or  at  least  a  bit  less  dim  had  put  a  soft  smile  on  their  face   .   a  bittersweet  one   .   one  of  memories  and  yearn  ,  was  this  what  love  was  truly  about  ?  ❝   . .   you  have  never  changed   ,   have  you   ,   9S   ?   ❞   they  commented  ,  though  a  positive  one   ,   one  that  made  their  gaze  linger  over  him  once  more   ,   almost  enamored  by  the  way  he  seemed  to  be  handling  this  outwardly   .   ❝   but  don   't   get  used  to  it   ,   it   's   a  one  time  exception   ,   you  know   .  ❞  they  attempted  to  joke  lightly   ,   knowing  there  were  still  so  many  things  that  were  going  to  be  left  unsaid   .
            however   ,   their  frown  soon  returned  again  as  he  erupted  into  coughs   ,   a  deep  inhale  as  they  shook  their  head   ,   ❝   that   's   why   ,   you   're   going  to  strain  yourself  further   .   ❞   but  perhaps  that  wasn   't   such  a  bad  thing   ?   maybe  his  suffering  would  be  over  sooner   . . .   it  was  terrible  to  think  about   ,   such  a  fate  arriving  at  your  door  that  is   .   though  their  thoughts  were  broken  when  they  felt  him  lean  towards  them  and  their  touch   ,   noticing  how  he  tried  to  return  the  hold   ,   something  that  instinctively  made  them  pull  him  closer  without  even  really  thinking   .   ❝   perhaps  that  rule  should  be  broken  in  some  cases   . .   i  think  this  warrants  that   ,   don   't   you  think   ?   besides   ,    perhaps  some  people  were  worth  breaking  code  for   .   ❞   emotions  are  prohibited   . . .   something  they  couldn   't   seem  to  care  about  in  this  moment   ,   instead  they  were  more  focused  on  hanging  onto  every  word  he  said . how  was  he  so  talkative  in  this  situation ?


hearing how small his voice was , nothing like the usual cheery 9S they were used to travelling with . another hit with reality , another step towards the end . they hated it , almost , anyhow . . . they felt conflicted , for on one hand they hated how his suffering and pain seemed to prolong , they hated knowing he was in pain , almost wishing they could end it faster for him , just for a chance he wouldn 't have to ache longer than he has now .
            where the other piece of them was grateful they could spend just a few more wanning moments with him , a chance to remember him , to take him in if this was really it . they wished this was a cruel , sick nightmare given to them by a logic virus of some sort , perhaps that would mean he would come back to them , like he would be right besides them when they woke up in the morning with a kiss to their forehead . like a normal human couple would . like people who weren 't in this situation , these cruel circumstances . but that wasn 't what this was , that wasn 't their reality . and it would never be their reality . and this reality was slowly crashing in on them , wasn 't it ?
            the confession was everything they had hoped to hear , but the circumstances almost felt like a way for life to mock them . but that didn 't matter in that moment . . . in that moment , all that mattered was making him comfortable enough to not have a restless or empty death . . . they would have time to be angry later . but that time was not now . so instead they swallowed down the emotions that kept swelling and filling their lungs and instead gave a soft nod . ❝ after learning what love means , how could i not ? ❞ they breathed out softly , a dry laugh following after it , ❝ i don 't think there 'd ever be a right time to confess , not with the weight we carry . ❞ and perhaps it was true , but still , they couldn 't help but feel a sense of relief knowing their feelings were returned . 
            [2/4 , hopefully-]


/ kisses you uwu! /j /j /j


@ninesuffering   ..
            ⧸   CARKER  HAS  ALWAYS  BEEN  CANON  EXCUSE  YOU   /lh




@ninesuffering   .. 
            ⧸   WE  CAN  BE  THE  PERFECT  ECOUPLE  NOW  OMG


“6d! are you alright?” 9s frowned, a worried expression on his face despite the blindfold he wore to cover his eyes. the android seemed quite concerned, especially because the enemies always kept growing in strength the more time that passed. he simply cared for them, and wanted to make sure that they were alright after every fight. “uhm.. do you need me to do anything? or, er, is there anything i can do to help you, maybe? ..just in case?”


@ninesuffering   ..
            they  couldn   't   help  but  give  a  soft  laugh  at  that   . . .   perhaps  he  was  right   .   ❝   right  then   . .   if  that   's   what   's   wanted   .   ❞   besides   ,   was  there  any  reason  to  act  tough  now  anyhow   ?   it  didn   't   really  seem  like  it   . . .   so  they  assumed  it  was  safe  to  drop  their  guard  and  formalities  for  the  time  being   .   6D  gave  a  hum   ,   ❝   wrong   ?   i  don   't   think  so   ,   as  long  as  command  doesn   't   find  out  that  is   .   ❞   there  was  a  slight  sense  of  playfulness  in  their  tone   ,   turning  to  face  him  properly  so  he  could  check  on  them  more  efficiently  and  without  any  unnecessary  issues   .   ❝   . . .   but  don   't   worry   ,   i  won   't   tell  anyone   .   ❞   their  tone  was  still  there   ,   though  now  paired  with  the  flash  of  a  grin   .
            ╱   NAHHH   ,,   IT   'LL   BE  FINE   ,   I  CAN  ACT  NORMAL  WHEN  I  NEED  TO  SMH   /lh   well  you   're   lucky  cause  i  do   ,,   i  love  you  a  lot  actually : grin :


this message may be offensive
“don’t try to act all tough now, 6D.” he murmured, letting out a quiet sigh. he just wanted the best for them—but why? he didn’t know, but he’d go great lengths to help them and do whatever he could to keep them alive and safe. that’s all he knew. “hmph.. good. just wanna make sure you stay healthy, and normal. that’s not wrong, is it?” he attempted to be a light tease, trying to lighten the mood. now, finally, a real smile, albeit a small one, appeared on his features after he watched them take off the blindfold they wore. “mhm, there really is no harm in it at all,” he agreed, letting out a nervous chuckle.
            / OH NO, SHOULD I REGRET MY CHOICES /lh smh you better fucking love me /lh /hj


@ninesuffering   ..
            their  composure  seemed  to  soften  a  little  bit  more  despite  trying  to  mask  it   ,   a  lingering  thought  of  the  whole   ❛   emotions  are  prohibited   ❜   rule  in  the  back  of  their  mind   .   ❝   i  suppose  the  help  could  be  needed   . .   ❞   6D  murmured   ,   trying  to  seem  unbothered   . .   more  so  for  the  code  rather  than  themselves   .   than  his  next  words  hit  their  ear  and  they  paused  their  movements  for  a  second   ,   almost  cursing  themselves  in  their  mind  for  such  a  thing   .   their  head  turned  to  look  at  him  fully   ,   giving  a  soft  nod  in  response   .   ❝   . .   alright   ,   if  it  means  that  much  to  you   ,   then  i   'll   keep  coming  to  you  for  help   .   ❞   it  almost  frightened  them  in  a  way   ,   letting  themselves  experience  such  a  thing   ,,   though  they  didn   't   know  why   . .   after  all  the  hoards  of  machines  they  have  faced   ?   why  was  this  getting  their  composure  to  slip  instead   ?   at  the  mention  of  letting  him  check  on  them   ,   they  gave  another  nod   ,   reaching  up  to  undo  the  blindfold  that  covered  their  eyes   .   ❝   well   ,   i  see  no  harm  in  a  small  look   .   ❞   they  gave  a  slight  smile   ,   deciding  to  put  whatever   . . .   emotions   . . .   that  was  running  through  their  systems  away  to  the  back  of  their  mind  for  now   . .   or  for  as  long  as  they  could  anyhow   .
            ╱   SCREAMS   &&   CRIES   &&   TWIRLS  MY  HAIR   &&   GIGGLES   AND  MANY  OTHER  THINGS   /lh
            i  love  you  frfr   ,   i  owe  you   : hand_over_mouth :