
I was your cure
          	And you were my disease,
          	I was saving you,
          	But you were killing me
          	-  " These things have to fall apart " by Stray from the path


thank for adding my story to ur reading list. hope u enjoy it when u get the time to read =)


you're right, @defiantEArg, i've been there myself. but it's really fun too so enjoy it ;-) 
            i'm glad u find my story interesting. hope to hear from 8u again :) thanks!


@YellowPetals the pleasure is mine ate :D finally found something that interests me :D the description itself gets me ^___^ hope i could read it sooner.. college is indeed hard hahaha.. i got a really hectic sched :3


Read this if you have time :D :)
          The Untold Words:
          Just Another Try (Sequel of The Untold Words) :
          Thoughts (Crazy Randoms with Poems and Teasers) :
          One Shot In Love (Lourraine's Story):
          Promote Lang! :D
          Geh! 'Til next time my dearest readers! :D Kung gusto niyo ng dedication, let me know! :D 
          Matagal tagal pa akong makakapag-update dahil you know, college thing! :))
          Hopefully, and I am so hopeful, na mai-babalik ko ang ibang stories ko, na makapag-update ako atleast once a week, na mai-post ko na yung main story ng mga teasers ko and lastly, na makatapos na ako ng story kahit isa lang pagdating ng January 2016.. :D
          God Bless us all!! :))
          Have FAITH! Kaya natin 'to! God is with us! :D :)
          ~eka :))