
(…)    sighs loudly. 


gotta hand it to you, your spells have this certain flair. feels like you're trying to match the extraordinary standards i’ve set, huh?


feigning innocence, he raised an eyebrow in mock surprise. "someone's got herself all riled up. i was just trying to share a bit of the magic from my day, you know, adding a dash of excitement to your routine.”  
            he flashed a grin, hardly fazed if not even more amused.  “as for getting laid or finding someone interesting, maybe you should take your own advice, torres. a bit of charm wouldn't hurt.  take it from someone who’s held at gunpoint to be spending time with you.”  grin remaining unwavering, he leaned back.  “now, back to my tales - where were we? right, right, the jazz band and the dance. you’re missing out on all the good stuff sitting in here, darlin'.  have you even been dancing before?”


             ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎it was never the place itself that made new orleans what it was;   it was the people.   the city that never slept,   the endless parades and the art that stretched throughout the streets.  the sun sets,  the moon rises yet new orleans never changed. 
            octavia groans,  eyes opening and the candle’s flame going out as soon as she did.   “wow, you really need to get laid or maybe someone who finds you the least bit interesting to talk to.” 


ignoring her plea for solitude, claudio leaned in with an unabashed grin, weaving his tales. "oh, darlin', don't let my brilliant conversation distract you. now, let me tell you about my day – so there i was, moonlight strolling through the quarter, and imagine. this jazz band started playing, enchanted me to dance. had the whole place applauding! you should've been there, torres. really, would’ve had you smiling like you never smiled before — not that it’s hard to break that record."


A little out of your depth there, darling?


* that was not entirely true. he could have used Davina for it, but to be totally honest, she was beginning to drive him up a wall with her sheer desperation. better to find a completely unrelated witch, one who had no history with his family in the slightest. though it was apparently unavoidable that they didn't know them * I need a spell performed, a locator spell. I'd do it myself, but as you can see * he paused, gesturing towards his body* I don't exactly possess magic anymore


             ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀oh goodie.    [   she says,   voice indicating the complete opposite  —  a smirk dominates her warm features as she sighs,  octavia looks at the man in company.    (   where did vampires get the audacity?  )   she thought quietly to herself,   dark eyes watching him    ]     truthfully,  i can’t imagine any witch liking you and the accent proves to not be enough charm.   but i’ll bite,  what’s this desperate favor of yours? 


Ah, of course, Marcel. That's the difference here darling. Unlike my brother, I never did have a problem with witches. * he had been a witch himself, one of two out of his siblings who had even managed to channel his magic when he had been human. he had the complete opposite reaction when it came to meeting witches now compared to his siblings. witches were useful in more ways than one. Klaus had never seen that, of course, and Marcel had simply followed suit * I'm not going to be stopping any magic use here. In fact, I'd be more than willing to help you out. A trade, you could say. I'll keep said vampires in check for a little favour that I can't do on my own.


(…)    ceebee  +  specify!!


/ curious pls


/ judgemental or trusting!


/    mwahh hostile or curious <33 


stake to the chest, how romantic.


@wiccaanways    (…)
            ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀is this dirty talk for you?   [   cracking a smile,  something she hardly does.  lashes flutter as she forces a sharp inhale,  eyes don’t drop from his   ]    i’d say.. no matter how annoying he is,  you can’t even kill him..  [  she presses the stake against his shirt,  nearly causing a rip in the fabric before allowing her hand to drop to her side   ]    i’m still looking for an out.    


i think that’s your job now… * the man’s eyes flicker down to the stake so gently pressing against his shirt right where his heart should’ve been, challenging her with a hint of a smile curving his lips. her eyes still seemed determined, fixed on the weapon that wouldn’t do harm. part of him thought she hoped it would * what would you say to make sure they stayed far far away from me? 


@wiccaanways     (…)
            ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ don’t sneak up on me like that.    [   a stake still held between them, the tip against his chest.  if he was a vampire,  she wouldn’t have wasted a second to plunge the weapon into his skin.  gaze flicker between his,  brows raise as if it’s the most obvious thing in the world   ]    someone should’ve warned me about you.  if i had of known what annoying cling-on you’d be,   i would have stayed far away.    