
Help I have had this whole idea for a rottmnt Donnie ff but I already started the new one, even tho I personally prefer rise Donnie I thought everyone else would probably like mutant mayhem better 


I literally just got my account verified after a whole week it was so annoying but now I can finally play and stuff! Okay well the new chapter of first live will be out soon I just have to write like a tiny bit more and it’s done! Okay byee! 


And love not live 


I meant to say post not play sorry auto correct


Hi everybody, the first chapter of my spider-verse story should be out in a few days, also its on hobie brown. I might write a miles one in the future or if you really want I will try to do it at the same time. I don’t know how that will go but this message is mainly to ask if you would prefer them to be in 1st or 3rd person?


Hi! Probably none of you will actually read this or like remember me but I’m asking if I should write a spider-verse story. I was thinking either Miles or Hobie. I also apologise for being away so long. Well I wasn’t I actually have a lot of unpublished stories that I’ve written but never finished. I also have mainly been reading instead of writing but let me know if you want a spider-verse book cause I will do it! love you all 


@definitelymyrealname omg i feel so bad school sucks ass, anyways TAKE UR TIME im super excited with where you’ll take the book :D


@ilysmhaveagreatday omg thank you I will definitely start writing one soon but I can’t be sure when I will publish the first chapter bc I have school again in two days 


im ur biggest fan ofc i remember u  AND YES THAT WOULD BE SO COOL U SHOULD GO FOR IT I’D DEF READ IT! 


yoo, i was checking ur profile and i noticed u removed ur camilo x OC stories, did u delete them?


i was just confused xD


no its alr, thanks tho!


@ilysmhaveagreatday no I unpublished them a while ago but would you like me to repost them?


Hi, I know it's been a while since I last published anything I haven't been in the most creative mood lately but I have just started to write a new story! It is a Robin Arellano x Fem OC. I will publish soon as I have only done the face Claims but I have written down pretty much everything that will happen. Let me know if you want me to publish it when I finish the first chapter or after the first five or so. love you! <3