
Hello! Just wanted to post on here again to say I’m not dead, the next chapter is done and in editing, I’m just having a hard time being able to do so! I have a disease that’s been flared up horribly lately among so many other issues 2025 has already been testing me with… I’m so sorry it’s taking me so long and I’m hoping things get easier soon so I can go back to writing consistently :D I’m trying I promise!!


Fingers crossed it’ll come on my birthday! /hj


Hello! Just wanted to post on here again to say I’m not dead, the next chapter is done and in editing, I’m just having a hard time being able to do so! I have a disease that’s been flared up horribly lately among so many other issues 2025 has already been testing me with… I’m so sorry it’s taking me so long and I’m hoping things get easier soon so I can go back to writing consistently :D I’m trying I promise!!


Fingers crossed it’ll come on my birthday! /hj


Hello, just checking in to see how you are! I hope you’re doing well 


Ahhhh, why didn’t watpadd have this in my notifs??? So glad you’re at least a little ok, please don’t push yourself to write, your health always takes precedence. I will be eagerly waiting though!!! <3


Hi, thank you for checking in, that’s so kind of you!! I’m okay, still pretty ill so writing has been harder but I’m doing my best! <3


Sorry this next chapter is taking so long! I’ve been in a pretty unsafe situation and I was hospitalized again for a bit, I’m fine now but mentally I’m just… really struggling to write! The SECOND I feel like I can write this chapter decently, I’m on it. But right now, when I force myself to try, it just doesn’t turn out how I want and I get more stressed. Okay done yapping SORRY!!


Please, keep taking care of yourself and take as much time as you need!


Take care of yourself bb ❤️ I hope things get better soon 