
Guys, I finally published "only him", a project I've been working on for a while now. Like always, there will be slow updates, but I still hope you like it and are excited about this book journey (please read the introduction) and enjoy reading :)


@defnotlucia i’ll totally read!! keep up the good work and good luck babe !!!!!


Guys, I finally published "only him", a project I've been working on for a while now. Like always, there will be slow updates, but I still hope you like it and are excited about this book journey (please read the introduction) and enjoy reading :)


@defnotlucia i’ll totally read!! keep up the good work and good luck babe !!!!!


Hi, some of you may have noticed that I changed the ages/age gaps of the couples in my stories - I aged the elders down and the younger ones up - since I wasn't sure how to feel about it in the first place and some of the comments confirmed my thoughts.
          I started this account/books to come out of my comfort zone and challenge myself. I understand it's not everyone's cup of tea and I appreciate all the feedback. Please keep in mind that these stories are still "mature content" and do contain some "taboo" topics etc. (read more in the chapter "non-shot")
          Anyway I've made some changes, but the rest remains the same, I hope you still like it :)


@defnotlucia it’s still amazing babe!!! keep on writing you’re amazing