
/        srry ygs im packing for the fligjt back to school so expect reduced activity


   she  didn't  visit  the  harbor  very  often.   no,   she  preferred  her  dark  cave.   for  normalcy,   as  they  venture  out  to  the  harbor,   it  must  take  off  his  blindfold.   eyes  sting  but  she  finally  finds  the  sign  that  leads  him  to  that  parlour,   beckoning   wealth.    she  steps  inside,   her  pouch  tied  to  her  belt.  a  fake  cryo  vision  dangling  from  her  neck.     "baohai,"     his  mortal  name  slips  from  her  lips  when  she  finally  finds  the  man  she'd  came  all  this  way  for.
            /   and  present!   hehe


i  love  you.     i  feel  as  if  i  don't  say  that  often.  
             /    smth  sappy  for  them


oh..  ////     oh.      how  surprising..   you've  always  been  better  at  words  than  me.    ..  mwah.


@solmoonic,                  words couldn't express the extent of my feelings for you. i love you too, baobei..


mhm...   ////     i  know.   but  i..   want  to  say  it,   even  if  its  just  to  feel  how  my  heart  soars  when  you  say  it  back...


   the  blacksmith  mentioned  that  it  would  only  be  a  quick  visit,    that  he  would  return  to  the  assembly  to  continue  work  as  soon  as  he  was  sure  his  family  was  doing  alright.      that  was  months  ago,   and  yuhan  hadn't  came  back.ㅤㅤ ㅤand  what  was  worse  was  that  a  god  of  destruction  was  on  the  rise.     they  constantly  left  ruin  in  their  path.     dead  plants,  destroyed  buildings,       countless  bodies.        
          ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ yǔhán  lost  count  of  the  countless  destruction  left  in  the  wake  of  these  newfound  abilities  he  had  no  clue  how  to  reign  in.    he  just  knew  he  was  able  to  summon  a  sword  bound  of  his  blood,   and  when  his  now  black  blood  was  spilled,    bad  things  happened.     [   caíshén,   save  me,       he'd  thought  countless  times.      he'd  not  prayed  to  any  god  before,   but  he  found  himself  praying  to  the  wealth  god  more  often  than  not  these  days--    though  it'd  been  months  since  he  had  seen  them.   ]     he  found  himself  wandering,   until  he  once  again  got  into  a  fight.   this  time  though,   by  familiar  faces.     he's  fallen  onto  the  ground,   his  now  red  eyes  widening  and  then  softening  as  he  saw  a  familiar  weapon  pointed  towards  him.      [  a  weapon  he'd  repaired  many  times  over,    had  he  not?   ]          yǔhán  could  feel  his  breath  hitching,      the  clothes  he  was  wearing  the  very  same  as  they  were  before  he  disappeared--   with  some  minor  rips  and  repairs  needed.    ❝   ..   caíshén?    ❞


   ❪  it  is  entirely  her  choosing;   to  take  this  young  god,  and  raise  the  suanni  so  at  least  they  are  not  confused  about  how  to  be  a  god.   today,   it  has  decided  to  socialize  the  cub.   caishen  needs  to  know  how  to  interact  with  others,   after  all.   a  blindfold  over  their  eyes,  she  approaches  a  small  village  --   its  hand  holding  the  younger  god's.  ❫     ..    we're  almost  there.   but  i  want  you  to  yell  out  "  pork  buns  "    if   at  any  point  you're  overwhelmed  and  want  to  go  back.   


     lay  back  down,    your  body  won't  recover  without  proper  rest.   ❪..❫    im  here.


a  result  of  the  battle  then.   focus  on  recovering,   i  will  take  care  of  the  rest.


@thshadows,                 just.. barely. but not much.


  you  were  stabbed.     do  you  remember?


who’s that?  [..]  i know you gave me a task, but..  i kinda— i followed you instead!  


a long long time?  before I was born— have they held me before?  tell me more!  


@cubflips,               .. hm? ah. that is an old friend, one who i haven’t seen in a very long time.