
@fragilecreashuns Hi there! Sorry I didn't get back to you sooner. I'd be happy to do a critique of your story, although I can't do it immediately. I'll probably get to it within the next few days. c: Is there any particular format you'd like? I could comment on the chapters or simply PM the whole thing to you.


@fragilecreashuns Hi there! Sorry I didn't get back to you sooner. I'd be happy to do a critique of your story, although I can't do it immediately. I'll probably get to it within the next few days. c: Is there any particular format you'd like? I could comment on the chapters or simply PM the whole thing to you.


In the comments section is great. Right now, I only have two works up: two free writes entitled "Free Write I [Rain]" and "Free Write II [Bull-Fighting]". I would love critiques on either one, or both, whatever you'd prefer. I also don't mind if they're in the comments; I'm not ashamed of people pointing out my mistakes. :D 


You are the coolest - please excuse my mass creeping. I love your username, and after seeing your wonderfully in-depth review of "Revenge is Sweet" (which I also critiqued) I was wondering if you could do the same for any of my stuff? I am in desperate need of a good, thorough critique-er. 
          If you have too much on your plate I totally understand, but I just wanted to throw that by you!