
Even though nobody has read Kyugyu Ent and Disdainful Lady, the stories are going to be unpublished...I have so many unpublished stories D: Nobody reads, so I think I'm probbably going to give up on them - postpone them to a date I feel happy! (: If you are actually reading this and have no Idea what I'm on about, I feel the same way x'DD


Thanx for the follow! I hope we can become great friends on Wattpad so feel free to pm me anytime u wanna talk or just fangirl^_^


I will take that offer gladly *because I'm so lonely*, and no problem! Thx as well (:


Even though nobody has read Kyugyu Ent and Disdainful Lady, the stories are going to be unpublished...I have so many unpublished stories D: Nobody reads, so I think I'm probbably going to give up on them - postpone them to a date I feel happy! (: If you are actually reading this and have no Idea what I'm on about, I feel the same way x'DD


Hi~ thx for following me~ let's be great chingus (I love chanbaek but KaiSoo is so cute~ I just can't pick so....) Yes  I'm weird hehe~ Annyeong Chingu~


@Selenabest Omg yes! *Sorry, just had a little heart attack!*Annyeong! I'm fine with being friends! *I'm so lonely* ChanBaek is cute aswell :D


Thanks for the follow ^^ Hope you check out my Kris Wu fanfics esp. my very first fanfic 'Something About You' ^_~ Kamsahamnida!


Thank you sooo much ^_^ Annyeong!


Famz thanks for the votes and comments! (^v^)


Thanks for the follow! I read your bio and you seem like a lovely person ^-^
          Keep up the good work chingu. Fighting!!


@Millybbe15 I'm flattered :D I read your bio too...all I gotta say is, we have a lot in common! Same goes to you, fighting! *cheers on*