
Please take these stolen stories down. We shouldn’t have to tell you why it’s wrong.


Saying “credits to owner” does NOT make this okay when I’ve seen several of the ACTUAL authors say they did NOT give you permission to repost and had no knowledge at all that you did. I don’t want you to get bullied or think I’m trying to bully you myself. This kind of thing can’t continue though. This is why so many talented authors have stopped writing all together. You don’t have permission and even though you “can” doesn’t mean you should, especially when the affected authors have expressed that they are very upset. Please, anyone who’s reading these, do not support these fics on this platform. THEY ARE STOLEN DO NOT READ THEM HERE. The user tumblr user holyfluffly on tumblr made an entire post about the actual authors. Please support authors where they have control of their own works.


do you have a habit of stealing and reposting other author's work?? 


@may_bornmia I believe they're already in progress, but I'll let you know! 


@may_bornmia She's a thief so she won't have any good pointers for you. All of her stories have been stolen from other, real, writers. 