

I hate when people take my story ideas it's really annoying to know that I wanted to write a book that no one came up with and now that person is writing that book. I hate it yes you have me credit but I was suppose to write it not you. I'm just really annoyed 


Hey guys omf im crying so much right now! I just read an amazayn book and it has alot of larry feels i mean alot its such a wonderful book!! It will make you melt like i did! It made me cry alot and i really wish it was real!! Im 100% in love with the book!!!! Just thinking about it makes me cry cuz the larry love is so happy and i just wish it was real! The aurthors name is "TrulyMadlyLarry" ohhhh the larry feels! Oh and Niam!!!!!!!! I WISH LOVE WAS LIKE HER BOOK! Is called "detention" but message her if you wanna read the book