/ under here i’ll be talking about roman’s character and going into detail about him so i don’t forget again lol
/ in his adolescent and teen years, roman had lost a lot. when he was nearing 10, his parents decided in taking the next step to test his abilities and to expose him to more of what he could do. he excelled as the years went by. but by the time he neared 15, his father died and his mother disappeared. till this day he still doesn’t know what had happened to them. and since then, he had been sent from foster home to foster home. he endured a lot of bullying and had always felt very out of place no matter where he went. slowly, he began isolating himself and growing resentment to those around him. even other witches. he never clicked with anyone and had always endured some sort of neglect from others. after a while of the hurt and issue of trust in others, he shut himself out whenever he was around anyone. he only kept to himself and focused on his magic - not only was it part of his identity but it was what still made him feel connected to his parents
/ roman relatively had an okay childhood. he had a great and close bond with his parents and he wasn’t bothered at all with having no friends. he was aways at home living in bliss. like some witches at a young age, he wasn’t kept away from his magic. his parents made sure to never keep it from him and teach him what the importance of their magic was to the family. he loved biding his time in their garden, practicing on flowers - making them bloom and / or setting them back to when the plant was just a seedling. it didn’t come easy but with help, guidance, and practice he managed to get it down at a young age.
/ roman shruett. roman was born and raised in new orleans right after his parents fled from their home land, russia. they left after his mother, Kira, found out she was with child. it was a hard journey but they managed to settle comfortably and raise roman before tragedy struck. the three of them were all witch decent but they never practiced normal magic. though to get by, they have practiced basic and low level magic. from their little area in russia, witches there have been practicing nothing but time. it wasn’t a coven but rather a small community with some strict and harsh living conditions. next: EARLY CHILDHOOD