
I wanted to share smth although most of my followers are Dil-e-Nadaan's readers.
          	So the thing is I've unpublished my book, "Falling For The Unexpected" a JJKff. And the reason is, first of all, I used way too cringe language that is not good for your health neither for mine! Bcz I can't embarrass myself in the near future (I already have too many past memories to embarrass myself). 
          	And secondly, right now I'm not writing a word here. As I'm "busy" in my other book, Dil-e-Nadaan. And one more thing is I didn't have much experience back then but now I do. I think I can make my book better than ever. 
          	I want y'all to give my other books a chance too, the ones I'll be publishing in the near future. The main reason why I wanna complete Dil-e-Nadaan as soon as possible. I'm so excited to clear my drafts and I'll be waiting for your comments and opinions. (There are general fictions and fanfictions)
          	I hope y'all like my book, FFTU too.
          	If you read till here, THANK YOU!
          	Love You <3


I wanted to share smth although most of my followers are Dil-e-Nadaan's readers.
          So the thing is I've unpublished my book, "Falling For The Unexpected" a JJKff. And the reason is, first of all, I used way too cringe language that is not good for your health neither for mine! Bcz I can't embarrass myself in the near future (I already have too many past memories to embarrass myself). 
          And secondly, right now I'm not writing a word here. As I'm "busy" in my other book, Dil-e-Nadaan. And one more thing is I didn't have much experience back then but now I do. I think I can make my book better than ever. 
          I want y'all to give my other books a chance too, the ones I'll be publishing in the near future. The main reason why I wanna complete Dil-e-Nadaan as soon as possible. I'm so excited to clear my drafts and I'll be waiting for your comments and opinions. (There are general fictions and fanfictions)
          I hope y'all like my book, FFTU too.
          If you read till here, THANK YOU!
          Love You <3


1K Reads completed  
          YEAHHHHH...Thank you so much y'all! I love you sooooo much.
          I'm so happy right now!    I can't describe in words how happy I am! 



          Is the current cover alright or should I start working on another, although I have no idea what to and how to......  

          I'm not really sure about this cover. My first thought is that I should change it then the second one says that I worked really hard on it then the third one says I should make another one a cool and new one. WHAT SHOULD I DO?


First of all I wanna thank those who have added Dil-e-Nadaan to their reading lists and libraries thank you guys a lot . Well I wanted to say that the first chapter will be published on Tuesday 14 May, I hope you guys like it but no problem if you don't cause you'll automatically like the story from the second chapter.

          Thank you for following me I LOVE YOU LOVE YOU LOVE YOU <3  
          Stay tuned!