go follow @serenityxbooks and @JustKay07 they're really sweet!!
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go follow @serenityxbooks and @JustKay07 they're really sweet!!
go follow @serenityxbooks and @JustKay07 they're really sweet!!
the pepperoni video's an hour long... do u guys still want it??
GUYS. GO FOLLOW @Andromeda9080 PLEASEEEE SHE NEEDS FOUR MORE FOLLOWERS BC SHE HAS A BET WITH HER BROTHER THAT SHE CAN GET TEN FOLLOWERS IN A DAY SOOOO PLEASE I BEG YOU. TYYYYY the next four people who follow her and get her to 232 followers will get a shoutout from mee on here
YAAAAAAAAAAAAALL. would u like an in depth video explaining the drama between me and pepperoni and another video explaining the mango situation?? too late i'm making it it's gonna be LONGGGGG...
@delulu_writer_ where do I see these so called vids that you make since November Why do I miss the good stufffff :(
one of my friends defended the weakening of the segregation ban so i unfriended her. and now i feel bad cuz like all my friends who are friends with her dk what to do bc they don't agree at all but they don't wanna all not be friends with her
@delulu_writer_ Gurl, it was the right thing to do- dont feel bad at all. STAY AWAY FROM THOSE TYPES OF PPL. and this just isnt political view, its more than that.
@delulu_writer_ imma hold your hand when I say this You did the right thing cuz it’s not right and you just held true to your beliefs
@delulu_writer_ TF?!?! Do not feel bad, if a person has that kinda thought process then she’s gonna lose friends anyways. She can do whatever the hell she wants, and we can ignore the hell outta her. She doesn’t deserve energy put into her
@-mavesszn sooooo this is the corner of Wattpad that is like RICK RIORDIAN, KOTLC and like sooooooooooooooooooooo many more
his mom saw my text notification on his phone and she knows who i am so she's making him block me again. but he let me know before and he said sorry a gazillion times i feel a little better than i did friday but i'm still really sad
@Andromeda9080 LOLLL GIRL- (but yes, I need mango's mom's addr3ss <3 the gurls gotta talk it out)
@delulu_writer_ so. Let’s handle this as calm ppl. Where do they live?? Let’s TALK it out.
UPDATES!! so basically out of loyalty to mango, his bsf (my friend) blocked me too my bsf found out and told me (TY MAHEK) so um then i wrote a note to mango and i gave it to him yesterday it was asking him to unblock me so i could have a chance to say something, nothing TOO bad so he ACTUALLY unblocked me and i told him that i'd stop ranting if he was that uncomfortable and i'd try and stop having a crush on him too he said it isn't the fact that i have a crush on him, it's "everything else" WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY EVERYTHING ELSEEEE so i asked him he started typing then stopped also, as for his bsf (my friend) i talked to her yesterday. she said we're still friends but she also said that me ranting is making people uncomfortable and that they're just being nice by listening and that me ranting's kinda weird. so that hurt a little. but she then said that if i stop we can still be friends. and she said that mango wanted to tell me that he was uncomfortable but he didn't want me to feel bad and feel like i can't talk to him. so there's that. ANYWAYS today i went up to him and i said "we're still friends right?" and he smiled really softly and he was like "yeah" and i smiled and my eyes did their whole 'excited but don't get your hopes up' thing and i said "actually?" and he nodded and he was like "ofc" and i was like YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYA on the inside but i just smiled a lil and i was like "ok then" i will however be texting him tn and asking him what everything else means so i can stop doing "everything else" NO MORE THREATS TO MANGO. HE DOESNT DESERVE TO DIE. HE'S A GOOD PERSON.
i'm BAAAAACKKKK AND I HAVE THINGS TO SAY 1. thank you so much to @xo_myra_ for reading my panic email so quickly and telling yall i was suspended, if any of this happens in the future (got forbid) or if i can't access wattpad, i will be giving her my password to my wattpad so she can announce it from my account for me!! <3 2. YOUR GUYS' NOTIFICATIONS MADE MY DAY TYYY i could see them but it was a pain in the ass to not be able to respond so i will be responding ove rthe next few days. 3.updates will be in a separate announcement 4. i was suspended because of "inappropriate behavior". after carefully reading wattpad's guidelines and using context clues, i concluded that it was because yall were making de@th threats towards mango and his mom. i was kinda enforcing it so i get why you guys were doing it and i totally understand that it was in a means of support, but wattpad doesn't understand that. soooo, if you HAVE to do that, censor graphic words like k!ll, m*rder, de@th, v!olence, and so on and so on. but PLEASE refrain from those comments. i totally get why this is a rule as someone who was getting att@ck threats less than a year ago from random numbers. it's scary. and mango and his mom do NOT deserve to d!e. please don't report me thoughhhh:( any future comments with de@th threats will be deleted NOT BC I HATE YOU but bc wattpad did state that the next time something like this happens, i will be getting a full suspension with a loss of all reads, books, and followers. new year's day is like my child. i'm not losing nyd. i love you all so much but i had to say something. and do not feel bad at all if you were one of the people making the threats, shut up you're fine i should've put up a boundary. MWAH MWAH MWAH -samhita❤️❤️❤️
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