
easiergone, 2:33


When I woke, the waves had gone black,
          turning over the macerated
          curd of the ocean bottom, heaving its sludge
          onto the beach. Some storm far out, I thought,
          had ravaged the sea, stirred up its bed,
          sent the whole mess flying to shore.
          At my feet I found a grave of starfish,
          broken and gnarled among the fleshy
          snipes and heads. Every shade of death
          covered the sand. It looked hopeless
          in the pale day but for the birds,
          a congress of gulls, terns, and the rarest plovers,
          calm for once, satiated, a measure of
          the one law: this sea will claim it all—
          feed them, catch them, grind their complicated bones.


I'm lyin' on the barren ground that's baked and cracked with drought, 
          And dunno if my legs or back or heart is most wore out; 
          I've got no spirits left to rise and smooth me achin' brow -- 
          I'm too knocked up to light a fire and bile the billy now.


And then blood rushed to my face
          And took my eyesight quite away,
          The trees and bushes round the place
          Seemed midnight at noonday.
          I could not see a single thing,
          Words from my eyes did start --
          They spoke as chords do from the string,
          And blood burnt round my heart .


Are flowers the winter's choice ?
          Is love's bed always snow ?
          She seemed to hear my silent voice,
          Not love's appeal to know,
          I never saw a face so sweet,
          As that I stood before
          My heart has left it's dwelling place
          And can return no more.