
Any story suggestions?


Please follow this account. This is demongodess640 in another account. In this account I will be creating new stories. Please wait for another account to come for the rewrite version of my old books. Thank you.
          A.k.a demongodess640


P.S: I will be rewritting the stories of this account.


To all demongodess640 followers,
          I am still demongodess640. I am sorry for no other reason than not able to update. I am planning to use either this account or another account to rewrite and continue my stories. For the past weeks I wasn't able to charge or open my phone where this account lies. Please wait for any further announcement I will be posting on this wall. Thank you for your support, patience and care for me and my stories. Stay tuned for more!
          A.k.a Meredy Seinshi


Dear Followers and Readers,
          I have recently wanted to ask this to you all. I wanted to ask what kind of story of mine do you want me to discontinue. Please give me suggestions. The story I want to keep is my Diabolik Lovers one. Please vote on which story is going to be deleted.
          Thank you for your kind consideration.
          From a fellow reader and writer, demongodess640
          A.k.a: ◾AnimeStarsAreReal◾


THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ALL THE VOTES! Maybe one of your stories you can recommend to me! ❤️


Spelling: also.


@hoshiworks P.s#2: Please alsp read 'Secrets Of The Voodoo's Maker'.


Awww thank you so much! ❤️ you are also a dear friend to me! @demongodess640 I’ll definitely go check both stories out! Those titles already seems extremely interesting! ❤️ your votes definitely made my day already! I’m so happy to inspire a fellow writer and reader, since I’m constantly being inspired myself lol! ❤️ thank you for your amazing support! 
            Sincerely from a dear friend,


Hello everyone! This is an update to all who read my stories including my followers. As you all know that I am being very slow in updating my stories. Sp that is why I am going to tell you guys why.
          1st reason: School
          School has been giving me alot of assignments. And I mean ALOT. Projects, reports, seatworks, quizzes and alpt more has been given. 
          2nd reason: Writers Block
          Give me ideas for my stories.
          3rd reason: Insomnia
          I am an Insomniac from times 11:00pm until 2:00am. So I am tired. 
          It will be discussed more thoroughly in my new story that will soon be published.