
* ♚ cb for a one - liner ( specify mood if you want ) 


/   first  meeting


get out of my way.


ha —  do you really think that you have the ability to even lay a finger on a part of my body  ?  if so, you’re the one who’s terribly mistaken. should i have asked nicely  ?  i hardly think it would make a difference —  now move.


* id. @devilsgene ♚ if you think you can tell me what to do then you are sorely mistaken. speak to me like that again & i’ll make sure you don’t HAVE legs to use to walk anymore. doesn’t that sound pleasant ? 


have you seen a young boy with fawn hair and a cross earring in his right ear run past ? 


@demonisque ☠︎ 
            he narrows his eyes even more than they were just then , clenching his jaw as he plays the thought in his mind . all he wanted to do was see his son again and he throws a fit , mad because he comes back after all this time . he understood why . truly , he did . he would've done the same , aside from the running away part . he wanted to tell him why he left , but he'd already stormed off . another sigh escapes his lips and he shakes his head . " clearly , i've never been here and do not know my way around . chances are , i'll get lost . i / hate / to ask , but will you guide me through here ? " 


* id. @demonicisms ♚
            ‘ nonsense ? the fact that you think this is nonsense is. . amusing. ’ a dry laugh slipped past his lips, no evident trace of a smile upon deathly pale features as he clicked his tongue. red hues stared directly into them, never breaking eye contact as he shook his head, taking a few steps closer to them. ‘ you clearly should have been watching your child / better / than. allowing him to wander off like that, especially into MY domain of all places. truly sad, it really is. . not sad enough to break my heart, but sad enough to make me pity you for what might have happened. you’ll find nothing but bones, maybe even a ripped apart body if they didn’t feel hungry today. but fine, i’ll allow you in. don’t become cross with me when you see that i told you so though. ’ 


@demonisque ☠︎ 
            his pitch black eyes glared at the other , arms crossing over his chest as he lets out a long and heavy sigh . " i clearly do not have time for this nonsense . " he growled , eyes averting past the other , a look of worry and question crossing his features before it turns hard again as his eyes slowly move back to where they were before , staring intensely at whoever it was that stood before him now . " my son ran through here and i need to get through . i have to bring him back . " 


* ♚ cb for a one - liner ( specify mood if you want ) 


/   first  meeting


♚ ❱ ooc. i love this boy so much, honestly one of my favorite characters by far ! this is himura muzan ( muzan himura ), a man who was once human before suffering through so much that it transformed him into a monster, becoming the first demon to ever exist. he has proclaimed himself the ruler of demons & gained the title of ‘ he who devours all ’ by the mortals. his power alone is enough to destroy entire populations, but he keeps himself hidden & gives power to his court. that’s all i’m gonna say since his backstory has more depth, but i’m really excited to rp as him !! the character that correlates with him is over here on @moonisque !! pls go check out that boy because i love him too — :,^) 


♚ ❱ revamp : bringing back muzan, moonsique not active. 