
          	cb  for  interaction  &  specify  mood!


          	  ╱        dabattle    —


something   tells   me   that   you   are   still   upset   about   our   last   encounter   ..


so   you   remember?     i   am   still,     admittedly,     shocked   that   such   a   skilled   opponent   could   exist..     i   have   only   once   met   my   match,     and   this   was   an   unpleasant   surprise   to   finally   be   as   such   again.     not   the   lesser,     but   nevertheless..     it   is—     how   shall   i   say?—     /  disappointing  /.  
            ۵   ╱   @ruthlessimitator 


you..    you  are  the  ruler?


you  seem  amused  by  this  fact.   *   a  single  blink,   and  river-stone  irises  unwound,   spinning  into  a  wintry  atlantic-blue,   capturing  and  / oh /,   so  similar  to  the  stranger’s!   did  he  not  imagine  how  simple  it  would  have  been  to  delve  into  his  mind,   uncovering  each  secret  and  spell  taught  with  precision  and  care,   grasping  at  frayed  ropes  with  a  single,   unselfish  purpose.   but  he  remained  seated  upon  the  throne,   uncharacteristically  oblivious  to  whom  he  spoke  to,   legs  crossed  one  over  the  other  in  that  falsity  of  nonchalance  he  masked  every  action  with.   a  barely-perceptible  tilt  of  his  head,   accompanied  by  the  narrowing  of  oceanic  eyes,   signaled  the  sensation  of  / wrong /—   one  he  could  not  possibly  ignore,   even  as  a  sigh  heaved  from  lungs  tired  of  breathing,   words  tumbling  from  reddened  lips  once  more.   but  his  warning  now  sounded  tired;   he  was  exhausted  of  living  any  longer,   and  it  was  clear  that  he  had  no  true  interest  in  battle.   *   do  you  mean  to  threaten  me?   you  appear  too  kindly  for  such  talk.
            ۵     @ruthlessimitator 


really,    i  would  not  expect  you  to  know  either  way—   we  tend  to  hide  in  plain  sight.  *  the  mirthful  chuckle  that  fell  from  his  lips  seemed  a  bit  uncharacteristic  for  the  masked  legion,   yet  it  seemed  to  make  itself  fit  like  small  pieces  of  a  puzzle,   the  playful  nature  that  he  was  used  to  displaying  bubbling  up  for  just  a  moment,   before  simmering  down.  he  cleared  his  throat,   olympic  blues  meeting  the  other's  expression  with  near  uncertainty  about  the  whole  ordeal—    it  had  been  / so  long /  since  he  had  laid  eyes  on  the  other—  and  now  he  had  to  reintroduce  himself  as  a  stranger??   certainly  death  only  wished  to  see  him  suffer  shame!  *


beyond the walls of mine?     *     the king’s head,   currently resting upon a half-fist to gaze toward the walls of his empty palace,   snapped forward,   expression barely changing as his stance became rigid.   the only change in his face was the glint of steel his eyes,   flashing a lone moment as he stared down at the visitor.   at / legion /.     *     you mean to say i have not been informed of your proximity to my land..?
            ۵     @ruthlessimitator 


you   know   what'd   be   fun   ~?    if   i   was   calling   you   master   for   more   than   one   reason.


*        he   could   feel   the   heat   infiltrating   his   veins,     and   immediately   understood   that   whether   or   not   he   begged   for   himself   not   to   allow   the   walls   to   be   torn   down   by   his   prizefighter,     it   would   occur   anyway.     but   the   proximity   frightened   him;     would   he   harm   him   just   as   he   had   ellie..?     extending   a   trembling   hand,     inhale   stuttering,     his   gloved   fingertips   brushed   at   the   warrior’s   collarbone   before   traveling   up   toward   his   jaw.     he   refused   to   remove   the   coverage;     they   would   only   reveal   the   unseemly   ashes   staining   his   hands,     and   would   leave   such   beautiful   skin   marked   with   a   reminder   of   his   lust   and   past   mistakes.     both   coffee-tinted   hues   never   ceased   staring   into   his   neck.     absolutely   no   higher.        *        y-yes..     yes,     мій   ангел   війни   (     my   war   angel     ).
            †⁀➷        &   @ruthlessimitator 
            \        oh  my  g0d  mARI  :’D
            but  like,,,   no  cap  luck  is  gonna  be  super  reluctant  unless  matt  is  like  SURE  sure—


i  assure  you,    i  wouldn't  /  dare  /  to  do  such  a  thing.   *  his  olympic  blue  orbs  sparkled  in  the  dim  light  of  the  demon  ruler's  quarters,   lips  pursed  together  as  the  warrior  cautiously  stepped  closer  to  him,   the  air  in  the  room  changing  to  the  one  of  intensity  that  was  so  familiar  to  matthew.  *   do  you   ..  wish  to  extinguish  this  heat  between  us?
            ➹ ┃  ﹙@videtmortem﹚
            ╱     he is quite the kinky power bottom,,,,, i raise hoes y'know


*        the   demon   ruler   drew   his   head   back   a   fraction.     did   he   mean   what   lucky   had   prayed   he   wished   for   badly   as   himself   for   so   long   a   time?     that   he   would   give   in   to   these   primal   desires   lucky   had   thought   he   lost   so   many   years   ago?        *        i—     matthew..        *        he   averted   his   gaze,     breath   shallow;     this   was   never   meant   to   make   him   so   weak.        *        do   not   pretend   to   read   my   thoughts.     it   is   unwise   to   even   try.
            †⁀➷        &   @ruthlessimitator 
            \        that’s  kinky,   matt


so   this   is   what   you've   become   ..  not   too   far   from   what   i   expected. 


the   clan   is   afraid   of   your   power,     vert-jaune..     you   are   the   only   one   strong   enough   to   lead   your   own   kind;     i   believe   we   both   know   this.     
            †⁀➷         &   @mortlafleur 


i'm  sure   it   was—   you   have   every   reason   to   be   glad.   perhaps  the   cadieux  clan  have  exiled  me,  but  my  league  of  dark  mystics  are  progressing  quite  well.  
            ➹ ┃  ﹙@videtmortem﹚


i’m   quite   glad,     then.     becoming   the   commander   of   my   own   supernatural   legion   was   a   very   difficult   task,     brother   dear.     
            †⁀➷        &   @mortlafleur 


          master     ..   would  you  care  for  a  cup  of  tea?


you   bear   my   own   every   day ;     i   should   assume   you   can   handle   it .     *     a   small ,     rare   smile   crept   up   into   her   lips .     unless   it   was   a   cruel ,   sadistic   grin ,     his   master   never   smiled   at   all   of   her   own   accord .     this   was   a   strange   occurrence   for   them   both .     *
            †⁀➷        &   @ruthlessimitator 


it   may   not   be   a   favorite   of   mine—  but   i   can   bear   with   the   bitterness.
            ヽthis  your  id?ゝ✧ ⁽⁽ @videtmortem ⁾⁾ ‡


anything   stronger   than   usual   will   do ,     if   you   don ’ t   mind   the   taste   of   black   tea .
            ♡⁀➷          &    @ruthlessimitator 
            ╱        MATTHEW  IS  BABEY  BUT  ALSO  TOUGH  BOI  AND  I  LUV  THAT


╱     *  evil    laugh   *
          my,   your   kill   count   has   grown   tremendously   as   of    late   ..   blowing   off   steam,   demoness?
          ╱     pAy nO miNd tO thE uSe oF fEm pRonOuNs,,,, i jUSt rEalLy wAnTeD hiM tO cAlL tHeM that—


you   have   a   bloodlust   then?   intriguing   ..   i   have   met   very   few   with   such   a    quality.  tell  me,  what   is   your   name?  i'm   sure   that   we   can   become   much   more   acquainted   if   i   know   your   name,  rather   than   me   calling   you   ‘ demoness ’  ..
            ゝ this  your  id?  ▕  ✧ ⁽⁽ @videtmortem ⁾⁾  ╬
            ╱    YAYY  ❤️
            it just hit me that he'd probably just talk to evil!lucky and have tea whenever he got b o r e d — feel like they'd discuss their evil plans together and whatnot.


i ’ ve   been   “     blowing   off   steam     ”   for   centuries ,     young   one .     not   many   are   able   to   restrain   such   power   without   spiraling   to   madness   ever   so   quickly   as   i   could   have .     it   does   me   good   to   remain ...     hm ,     /  satiated  / .
            †⁀➷     @perculostorm 
            /     IT’S  TOTALLY  OKAY  BB,   I  LIKE  IT  ♥️