Addressing matters...
First of, I have seen some hate on my Grell x Male!Reader fan fiction which I'd like to address. To be clear this is merely a fan fiction and I do not own any of the characters nor black butler itself. This is a fan fiction were Grell is male and I'm well aware of Grell being transgender. I'd appreciate if you keep negative thoughts to yourself, but constructive criticism is always welcome as I believe that there's always room for improvement. I appreciate honesty a great deal. I write for entertainment purposes only and although I haven't been active lately, I have written some more stories that will hopefully be posted in the near future. I hope I can also finish the stories I already have started.
Secondly, there is a reason why I have been inactive for so long and I do not ask for any pity and I only explain this because you deserve to know.
I was in an accident almost 2 years ago and my legs were paralyzed and I also got amnesia. I lost all my memories - I have both short-term and long-term memory loss which means that I lost all memories except my name and the names of my pets. The rest was erased and I've been trying to recover and try my best living with paralyzed legs and amnesia.
Just know that I'm alright and I hope that you are also alright with all this craziness going on in the world with the virus and other matters.
Stay strong and stay safe!