
I know you guys have been waiting patiently, but the wait is finally over! I new chapter of Concealer is up. I'll try not to wait so long between updates next time.


I apologize to all my readers of Concealer is a Girl's Best Friend. I haven't had much inspiration to work on it lately. The only reason I'm even finishing it is because of you guys. As an apology for taking so long to update,  I will post two chapters tomorrow.


I know I haven't updated in awhile, and I'm sorry. I've been busy with real life. Don't think I've forgotten about you guys though, or abandoned my stories. I have several chapters of both written on paper; they just need to be typed up on the computer and edited. I'll have them ready for you guys soon. :)


Got tagged by Alicia18b. Here's ten thinks I love:
          1: My son. Even though he's a handful sometimes, I wouldn't trade him for the world.
          2: Music. I  can't get through a day without music.
          3:  Anime cartoons. I'm not much of a graphic novel reader, but I'll watch anime shows all day long.
          4: Infectonator. It's a really fun game, and I highly recommend it.
          5: Elijah Wood. He doesn't know it yet, but we're going to be married.
          6: The Harry Potter series. It's one of the reasons why I began writing.
          7: Thin Mint ice cream. OMG, it's the best thing ever invented.
          8: Youtube videos. Ryan Higa, Shane Dawson, and Melissa Hunter are some of my favorite people. Check out their channels if you haven't already.
          9: Reading and writing. There's nothing better than being able to make up my own worlds, and visiting the worlds that others create.
          10: The Big Bang Theory, South Park, Family Guy, and Awkward. They're my favorite shows of all time.
          That was ten things that I love. Tagging  @brookieismyname, @Hug_Me_BrothaXD, @Mrs_Manhunter_Jonzz, @Chemical_Insanity, @lucy181033, and @authorninja.


@demonxseed Ryan Higa and Shane Dawson yessss <3
            God, I've been tagged a couple of times now...
            Also, reading and writing are the bomb. And so is TBBT.