
Yesterday was my birthday! I'm 16 now, not like much has changed. Love you all, my wolf pack!


          	  Of course; anytime ^^
          	  Oh, thanks! You're the first person who's said so 


          	  Well, I appreciate it very much! Love your profile pic, by the way. 


          	  Well I've been here and there on Wattpad today lol 
          	  I came across your account again and saw the post, so I decided to wish you a late happy birthday 


Yesterday was my birthday! I'm 16 now, not like much has changed. Love you all, my wolf pack!


            Of course; anytime ^^
            Oh, thanks! You're the first person who's said so 


            Well, I appreciate it very much! Love your profile pic, by the way. 


            Well I've been here and there on Wattpad today lol 
            I came across your account again and saw the post, so I decided to wish you a late happy birthday 


|[ O᷉᷈h᷉᷈ m᷉᷈y᷉᷈, y᷉᷈o᷉᷈u᷉᷈r᷉᷈ p᷉᷈r᷉᷈o᷉᷈f᷉᷈i᷉᷈l᷉᷈e p᷉᷈i᷉᷈c᷉᷈t᷉᷈u᷉᷈r᷉᷈e᷉᷈᷉᷈ l᷉᷈o᷉᷈o᷉᷈k᷉᷈s᷉᷈ s᷉᷈o᷉᷈ l᷉᷈o᷉᷈v᷉᷈e᷉᷈l᷉᷈y᷉᷈❣️❤]|


            |[ This one, though that one was also adorable! X3 


@Eli-Vanto Aww, thank you! (The dog one or this one?)


 #9(of 9)
          Sunstar "Sun/Star" Ketenskap
          (Desc) Her cat form shows definite relationship to Fission,  due to the ear pattern(to match Fission's Tanooki,  which that tail pattern is Amber, Pastel Yellow, Amber,  White,  Amber,  P. Yellow,  Amber. His ears go White(Bottom), P. Yellow(Mid.),  and Amber(Top)) she also has paws in the same pattern (Top to Bottom). Her eyes match his. She has the visuals of mutation,  but she actually isn't. ((deep crimson fur and a somewhat deep red nose to match the fur a bit)).
          (Personality) she's quite calm and friendly,  but she's also very shy unless around Fission. When around him,  she can be fairly cautious,  but that's normal. Other than that,  normally,  she'll be outgoing,  she has her own clan, which is why she's so outgoing.
          (Side) Unknown
          (Force Sensitive?) No
          (Powers) Earth and Nature
          (Weakness) Fire,  Wind,  and if too much Water is left around. Other than that, some magic in general. 
          Yes,  she is Fission's mother,  but he,  himself,  doesn't know that yet.


 #8(of 9)
          Fission "Fis" Ketenskap (T-4795)
          (desc) Attire: Black Overalls/Cap,  Deep Electric Blue Shirt,  Deep Crimson gloves. Orange-Yellow(base) boots. His hair is a black-like turquoise color. As for his eyes,  they're quite different. The iris is Prussian(shade of blue),  and the pupil is a deep teal-like color. Other than that,  the eye is normal. 
          (Personality) Fission is very jumpy,  if not strict too. He likes to stick around Toon,  Xanthias,  Buoy,  or Aileron. He can be quite stubborn if he knows something he hates is coming up soon or eventually. That's how sensitive he can be.
          (Side) Light
          (Force Sensitive?) Yes
          (Powers) Earthquake-like effects. He can split a rock right in half without thinking about it,  which is the problem on his. It triggers usually in times of stress or fear.
          (Weaknesses) Well,  one was listed,  his powers aren't the most stable. His main weakness is his fear due to that factor,  he can damage himself with his own powers. Other than that,  the same apply to him as to Aileron's weakness on experiment-based attempts.
          Best to have one of the four listed before around him.


 #7(of 9)
          Aileron "Huey" Ketenskap (H-1650)
          (Desc) Attire: Grey shirt,  Crimson cap/overalls. His cap is striped with navy blue. His gloves are a slightly lighter version of cobalt,  and the fingertips of these glow. He's permanently fused w/ a tanooki powerup. The ears are white,  the left tip matching his gloves,  and the right tipped in bright red. These tips glow. As do the matching color stripes of his tail. His hair is a dark black color. (Pattern: white,  red,  white,  red, white,  blue)his boots are black w/ a white base. His eye color is silver.
          (Personality) Aileron is quite fast to act after everything,  quite protective of Fission and himself. The two have been through many things together. Aileron can be quite paranoid if something reminds him of his former "home".
          (Side) Light
          (Force Sensitive?) No
          (Powers) Light + Crystal
          (Weaknesses) Shadow element and nature element. If crystal element is in use,  his physical sensitivity will skyrocket which that backfires 24/7 for him, and many other experiment-based things.
          Usually,  his paranoid self can cause problems on missions...which is where Fission and Xanthias come in.


 #6(of 9)
          Xanthias Portokali
          (Desc) Attire: Xanthias has...a more steampunk choice of attire. The main color is black and turquoise,  which the occasional gold plating on his brown boots and kneepads/shoulderpads. He also has the usual cap w/ goggles,  lined with thin plating. He also uses a hammer as weaponry, also w/ plating,  and primarily bright red in color.
          (Personality) Just like Nathaniel,  mainly laid back. He'll analyze most situations and whatnot too. As that,  he'll be quite protective of his brotheren. They were all...kinda altered in ways from... Past events.
          (Side) Light
          (Force Sensitive?) Yes
          (Powers) Strength(gold plating reason)
          (Weaknesses) Any magic-related attacks if such manage to hit, and I mean ANY. 
          His Closest relatives are Fission and Aileron. Thanks to old, escaped experiment status.


 #5(of 9)
          Tide "Buoy" Sakati
          (Desc) Attire: Light,  sky-blue like shirt/cap,  w/ a darker variation as his overall color. His shoes are a more saturated,  and extremely dark variation of the shirt. His eyes are a watery blue color,  and his hair's a deep brown color. 
          (Personality) FIRST OFF, Buoy's just occasionally..very...hyper. He gets that from his young age AND power. Yet,  other than that,  he'll try to intimidate danger. He's also kinda laid back and reckless,  depending on the mood.
          (Side) Light
          (Force Sensitive?) No
          (Powers) Water element
          (Weaknesses) Electricity,  or just extreme heat,  that too. If you drain his energy or such,  that'll leave him out of it for days. Anything electric related gets him too...water element status.
          Buoy has repaired a robot once,  but other than that,  not much mechanic stuff. He also has broken a speed record among his ancestry and all,  that's his greatest achievement so far.


 #4(of 9)
          Nathaniel "Nathan" Vertech
          (Desc) Attire: Unlike the rest,  Nathaniel prefers jackets and standard t-shirts. He wears a slightly unsaturated sherbert orange jacket w/ purple swirl designs along it,  plus a purple shirt. He also has black jeans with the orange stripes around the bottom. He has black and white tennis shoes as well. Along with all of that,  Nathaniel has white headphones. His eyes are a mix of amber(top) and Purple-Pink(Bottom),  divided in the center of the iris w/ slight blending to the color mix at the divison point.
          (Personality) Overall,  the guy's pretty chill and laid-back. He does definitely have a snapping point though,  not easily found unless you mess with his family though,  that'll do it. Nathaniel's usually all-for-one to help. He also doesn't like the darkness,  excluding the nighttime.
          (Side) Light
          (Force Sensitive?) No
          (Powers) Light element
          (Weaknesses) Shadow elementals,  something that'll disrupt a natural balance as that effects him too,  darkness in general as that will weaken him(unless natural exposure,  like nighttime,  due to the moonlight.),  and an inner imbalance if caused.
          He's extremely closely related to Toon due to light elemental status,  even if they don't share the same family line.  


 #3(of 9)
          Ezra "Ez" Sakati
          (Desc) Attire: Deep Blue shirt/cap,  Light brown-tanish gloves, deep crimson overalls. His boots are colored mainly grey w/ black bases. Ezra is closer to Buoy than Toon,  due to the lighter eye color,  which is turquoise-blue(more greenish). Ez specializes in a mechanic job-based.
          (Personality) Ezra's more of a timid guy,  he can be very shy. If it comes down to it,  well,  he's gonna go all out,  no matter the risk,  he understands his role. He assists Toon and Ant in training Buoy when he gets the opportunity. 
          (Side) Light
          (Force Sensitive?) Yes
          (Powers) Wind element
          (Weaknesses) Fire element,  heat in general(wind element status),  and any other heat related things.
          His inventions consist of a time-traveling aircraft, named the Soundracer, and a motorcycle capable of flight. He also makes most of his team's gear(Toon and co.).