
Unfortunately there is no new chapter coming out today because I was sick all week and had no time to write it


I agree, take your time. I can wait for the next chapter i really enjoy this so far.  


@dennschko2612 it’s ok as I said to you before in the comments I’m ok if there’s a 1 week  2 week 3 or 4 week difference between chapters so you don’t get bored of it and dump the whole thing. And good luck with your sick time. Btw if I can ask how much did you enjoy sleeping in a worm bed because in my house we have an insolation? (Don’t know if I spelled that right) problem. anyway we don’t have all that good of cold proof stuff here we just have an old house but it works fine so long as you have 3 layers of blankets lol . But good luck with your health 


Hi there wanted to ask ya when you are going to continue the story ? :)


XD well it's a good game


@Goku200x I played too much Helldivers 2


@Goku200x next Sunday comes the next chapter


Unfortunately there is no new chapter coming out today because I was sick all week and had no time to write it


I agree, take your time. I can wait for the next chapter i really enjoy this so far.  


@dennschko2612 it’s ok as I said to you before in the comments I’m ok if there’s a 1 week  2 week 3 or 4 week difference between chapters so you don’t get bored of it and dump the whole thing. And good luck with your sick time. Btw if I can ask how much did you enjoy sleeping in a worm bed because in my house we have an insolation? (Don’t know if I spelled that right) problem. anyway we don’t have all that good of cold proof stuff here we just have an old house but it works fine so long as you have 3 layers of blankets lol . But good luck with your health 


Hi its me again I just wanted to say if you ever lose your Motivation for this story or your Work won't allow you any time on it I would like to continue it and of course I will @ you and The Author who wrote it at first. :)


Hi I've read the Queen of the Angels Story from the Original Writer and saw you took up the Work of continuing the Story. I wanted to ask you if you will continue from the last chapter this Story was on or will you completely redo it ?


The chapter was good there were a few typos but I liked it :)


Good cuz so far I really liked the concept of this story and how this AU will progress is exciting. 
            When will your first chapter be here ?


@ Goku200x  i will continue the story this is not a redo