In a world where the lines between species blur, there exists a singular child who embodies the rare fusion of Faunus and human—the exceptional Y/n Okita. While he is known as Y/n in most circles, the traditions of Menagerie honor him with the name Okita Y/n, a reflection of his cultural heritage. Abandoned by both parents in his early years, Y/n navigates through life as an outcast, carrying the weight of solitude on his shoulders. The citizens of Menagerie, wary and prejudiced, have largely shunned him, not only because of his mixed lineage but also due to the absence of any visible traits that would typically signify his Faunus identity. This social rejection deepens the chasm of loneliness he feels, isolating him further from a community that values conformity over diversity. Yet, there is one figure in Y/n's life who offers a glimmer of hope amidst the despair—his adoptive father, Kondo Isami. A marginalized man in his own right, Kondo understands the struggles of exclusion and embodies resilience. Together, they share a bond forged through hardship, navigating the challenges of their intertwined lives in a society that often refuses to accept them.
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RWBY: The Demon Child