
To all the moms out their,
          	Thank you for all you do. Happy Mother's Day! 


Thank you for following me!


@depressedbookworm77 Aww thank you! You just got your self another follower!


@My-Life-Is-A-Mood no problem. Everyone deserves something even if they dont believe it.


Some steps to follow some don't spread the virus
          1. Wash your hands before and after you eat
          2. Wash your clothes immediately after you come inside after going outside
          3. Wash your hands before you make food
          4. Don't touch your face
          5. Shower at least once a day or every other day
          6. Clean your house once a week
          7. Clean everything you used at the end of the day
          8. Don't make physical contact with anyone
          9. Don't visit your grandparents
          10. Don't go outside unless you have to go get groceries
          11. Wash your hands after you touch your face
          12. Cover you mouth Everytime you sneeze or cough 
          Please fallow these so that you don't get sick. If you ask why it's because I care for you. I care about everyone even if you think you or another person doesn't deserve it. We have to work together inorder to stop this virus by fallow these twelve rules. So please fallow them. Let's prove that this generation can go through a crisis like all the other generations. 


I would like to talk about ways to keep us safe during this virus, but first I would like you to think about all of the other crisis is the other generations have gone through. Even though we think this small crisis is bad think about the Black plague. Millions of people died, millions of people had the Black plague, and millions of people we're really really sick. When you think back to win the plague happened they didn't have medicine at work, but right now even with all of the medicine we have it's still hard for us the cure this sickness. We may think that we can go outside, make physical contact, and enter places with a whole bunch of people. When we do those things it makes it easier viruses to spread. If we want to live to see another day, if we want to cure this, and if we want this to go away we have to do things to keep it from spreading. People are dying because we aren't doing anything to stop the spreading, and by we I mean the citizens of the US and other countries. If we want this to stop we have to do things right, we have to stop physical contact, do we have to stop going outside unless we need food. There are some steps I would like everyone to follow in order to stay safe. Because believe it or not I care, I care for you, I care for my family, I care for my friends, I care for everyone, and I care for those I don't know. Adults, the elderly, and kids arer getting sick and dying. People are dying because we aren't containing the virus as well as we should, and by we I mean the citizens of the United States and other countries. Ask going outside and the places they have a whole bunch of people and visiting our grandparents makes it easier for people to get sick, die, and for the virus to spread. We don't want this spreading. We want to keep it contained so that people don't get sick and die. So please do everything in your power to keep this from spreading.