Hey guys, so to those of you who are reading my book- first thanks again for your support, it’s absolutely incredible- but I have a serious inquiry. I’m working on my next chapter(s) and need a second opinion on which version to go with. If you’re interested, or if you don’t want the story spoiled for you and have a friend who would be nice enough to help out, I wanted to run the two ideas by someone. Maybe send them the two different chapters. I’m updating as soon as I get some help with this, and mentions at the end of the chapter will definitely be added in addition to me owing you a big favor. Thank you guys so much, I can’t wait for you guys to see what happens next! With love, Grace I guess.
TYSM!!! I love you too, and greatly appreciate the support, but I’m afraid there will be no sequel. If I do get the time, I’d love to do a rewrite to make it far better. Then I’d consider a sequel. I’m considering releasing other works though!! Again tysm for the love and support. I haven’t written in a while and this makes me want to again!