
this year, has been quite honestly unique. it doesn't even feel like the last day of 2013. so many people raved about how amazing 2013 would be, but it hasn't. oh, sure there's been amazing events that have occurred, but this just wasn't my year. so, some of the best moments this year have been creating my wattpad account, growing even closer to my mom, beginning to appreciate my dad, getting more of an idea of who i am and should strive to be, attempting to learn italian, interacting with that guy, having a taste of heart break, making new friends, being more social, and overall just gaining a huge dose of self esteem. i learned so much this year and the brilliant minds that i've met- hannah, sarah, amber, kay, paisley, austin, and so many more. i've built better bonds with macy, jana, and david. i've decreased a negative influence in my life. for 2014, i want to continue to learn about myself. i want to start planning for my future, building a detailed bucket list, continue in my art work. i don't want my teenage years to be a waste; i want to do something remotely significant or outstanding. my summer will be the epitome of the pictures you could find on tumblr. i will become more who i want, and not who others are. i'm going to live; i'm going to be happy with myself and my beautiful life. i'd like to get up enough nerve to talk to my crush. i want to meet new people and make new friends. as cheesy as it sounds, i want to loose those last 4 pounds in weight. i understand it's on half the human races' list, but i'm determined. i'd like to take a writing course and finish 3 poems before the end of the year. i'd like to learn manners and elegance. i want to become addicted to tea. i want people to be ecstatic when they see me, and disappointed as i leave. oh, and i wanna learn about the magics of the blenders & the art of making smoothies. i want to have a fashion sense aha. so, yeah, i suppose those are my new year resolutions. this will be my year. i can feel it.


wow. I commend you for your resolutions, they sound like good ones.


Awh ily bb :)