
roses are red
          	violets are blue
          	omae wa
          	mou shindeiru


Hello! A friend of mine submitted her story to the #ToAllTheBoysContest and I really want her letter to be recognized! I promise it won't take you more than five minutes. It's a 476 word letter, that's it! 
          Here's the link to it ♥ 

          I really hope I'm not bothering...


Hey I just saw that you're also a HP fan, would you like to take a look at my love fanfiction with Draco Malfoy?
          It's called "Limerence" and is about much drama/fun and also many emotions at a private university with, of course, Draco❤
          It's unusual, but people like it so far & I'd love to know your opinion as well <3
          Feel free to spam your thoughts under the comment section and if you like it, I'd be happy to get a vote too :)
          Have a great day :D