
@littlerayray036 0_0 Wowie 


Hey, I really like Clockwork her design looks really cool, but her story has some mistakes and some parts don't make sense, can I rewrite her story? I'll give you credit.


@nippelsghbiubu I Highly suggest that you should check before you comment because for one, it isn't hers, she is just rewriting this so others can see this and possibly like it as well. Regarding me for not liking Clockwork, It is good to at least give it some postive overlooks and negatives. But, all i'm gonna tell you short, stupid, and crisped ( I guess) is.
             Desu~ Check before chu check your priviledge (Although you have every right to say that) Because you got the wrong creator and simply a fan so, to be rude, (This is a joke calm down-> Shut up desu, and write shiiitty dessu creepypasta. 《Please don't I'll pester you till it's good》


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Okay so…this is really awkward but okay look, I haven't been on here in a while aaaaaaaand so I will update this shit as soon as I'm free and my days aren't so friggin higher than the motherfucking trapeze. So don't worry,bros,just for you I will do an acrobatic pirouette off the fucking balance beam to make time for you lovelies. 
          <kisses or whatever>