Hi, This is Katy are you okay. Are you busy like school, or work ?If you are sick please let me know. If you have change sites let me know. I hate to be a pest, but I absolutely love your story it's one of the most powerful werewolf stories I've ever read. most wolf werewolf stories are just cute see, like teeny bopper type. They're just fun to read. When your bored. Most of them are not worth spending more than 20 minutes, like fan stories. Give me a break. Taking a look at yours on the other hand is very intriguing, and is not the typical quickie story.
I do like heroes, but heroes come in many packages . Not just angels. And not just men with swords, and armor. Some are demons, some are vampires, some are even Necromongers , and especially werewolves. Please send me an answer , or a post. Thanks again for your writing. Katy