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@rare_randomness just thought "Oh okay, this girl isn't studying anyway; let me just tag her to do something like this." :P So yeah, 10 facts about me. Here goes nothing. Nickname: I get a new one like every day. The ones I remember are Bronto and Vivi and Lolly. And Varsh. Eye color: Brown, I think. Hair color: Black. Fact about me: Unlike Chika here, I like to observe people in a very stalkerish way. xD Favorite color: Today it's brown. Usually, it's yellow. Favorite place: Aaaah, my kitchen of course. :) Favorite celebrity: It's Matthew Perry now. I only just started watching Friends. :P Favorite animal: Imma have to say snakes. xD Favorite song: How about I tell you one that I don't really like? Adele's Hello. People told me it's so good and that it made them cry. Sorry guys, I just didn't get that. Favorite book: No no. Let's just not go there. :P Honest as fuck, I don't know whom to tag. *runs away*