@Rocker_Mel thanks!!! i waz in mr.akins class and we went to the library and there is a teen vouge with the background ,so yeah :) oh and YES HE IS !!!!!!! <33 <33
@desi_pink Hey!!!!!!! Dude I miss you already! Haha did you miss me today in class?! Wink Wink! Your soo awesome,a REALLY good firend to me! haha See ya love!<3
@Rocker_Mel thanks!!! i waz in mr.akins class and we went to the library and there is a teen vouge with the background ,so yeah :) oh and YES HE IS !!!!!!! <33 <33
Awh! First you comment something heartfelt and touching, and now fanning me!? Oh gosh...<3333 I feel loved!! Thank you so much love!!!!!<33 It really means a lot!!!(: xxx