I'm gonna rewatch Assassination Classroom soon bc HOLY I've been in the worst writer's block for the past few months wish me luck :,)) (funny how I mentioned watching it again in my last announcement LMAO)
I'm gonna rewatch Assassination Classroom soon bc HOLY I've been in the worst writer's block for the past few months wish me luck :,)) (funny how I mentioned watching it again in my last announcement LMAO)
I'm SOOO excited for the current fic I'm working on (the Assassination Classroom one) bc I'm actually rewriting it and making it better and I like where it's going as its author bc the parallels to the og source UGH I gotta rewatch the anime though
I don't have it on here, but there's a fic I wrote based on an animatic I really liked and the animatic doesn't exist anymore I have like two pictures in my head and I wish it still existed
Long time no hear guys! I'm really sorry but school has started and I don't think I'm going to be able to keep up with my Taehyung X Reader book :,( I hope you guys are all doing well and that I hear from any of you soon xx