Hello there, welcome to my little corner of insanity. My name is Despondence, pleased to make your acquaintance. 

You shouldn't expect much from me, I go through a lot of writers block and tend to not complete a lot of the stories I actually decide to write, and considering my studies have me preforming a lot of creative writing, if I do end up posting a complete story on here, it will most likely be a one-shot. I may write my own works, or fanfiction from one of my many fandoms, hopefully you find something enjoyable here. If that is all then I'm afraid I must be going, I'm a very busy woman and I haven't got all day.

Hopefully this is enough to satisfy you, however if you want to talk to me or simply ask me a question, please do so.

Until next time, au revoir~
  • Not outside, I'll tell you that
  • JoinedMay 24, 2014
