
          	Hi everyone, I have recently taken my uncompleted novel off of my profile as I wasn’t completely happy with the quality of it. I have been working very tirelessly every night to change the wording and structure of this novel in order to develop the storyline and characters to the quality I am very happy with, I am going to publish some chapters and I would really  appreciate some feedback, I have drunken a lot of coffee over the past couple of months trying so hard to get this storyline and these characters to a point that I know like I people will fall in like of, thank you so much everyone


          Hi everyone, I have recently taken my uncompleted novel off of my profile as I wasn’t completely happy with the quality of it. I have been working very tirelessly every night to change the wording and structure of this novel in order to develop the storyline and characters to the quality I am very happy with, I am going to publish some chapters and I would really  appreciate some feedback, I have drunken a lot of coffee over the past couple of months trying so hard to get this storyline and these characters to a point that I know like I people will fall in like of, thank you so much everyone


IMPORTANT, AS WELL AS BEFOREs ONE, THIS IS FUN, GOING TO SLEEP NOW, SORRY, ANNOYING I KNOW!!!!!!!!Just reminder chapter 3 is up of 'I Think I Love You' if you've read the first part, I have changed it, completely really, it's more of an introduction, I'd love for yous to check it out, have been working on this novel for hours now, fixing and developing, I'm going to be super active as it's the holidays so plenty of new chapters and hey got anything you want me to read, to feedback on let me know❤️