
Okay I have a genuine question for you all if any of you ever still check this but should I write more books and try to hopefully finish the ones I’ve started? If y’all would like that lmk and I’ll try to start writing again.


Update on this I’ve decided I’m going to try and start writing again once I’m through my current mental health issues 


Okay I have a genuine question for you all if any of you ever still check this but should I write more books and try to hopefully finish the ones I’ve started? If y’all would like that lmk and I’ll try to start writing again.


Update on this I’ve decided I’m going to try and start writing again once I’m through my current mental health issues 


I'm sorry I haven't been active the past couple of months but my life has been taking a lot of for lack of a better term hits lately I've lost people this year family and people I thought would be in my life longer. I've been put through a lot of betrayal and I honestly have lost interest in some of the things I'm writing. I haven't been able to find the motivation to write lately not publicly anyway. I actually started another book but honestly have no idea if I'm ever going to post it for personal reasons, but I promise I'll try and get back into writing soon. For now thank you for being patient with me. I'll see y'all in the books.


Hey sorry I know that I said I was gonna start posting more and I haven't been well that can be explained to an extent. I don't have a lot of time for writing right now as we get towards the middle of the quarter and my mother starts cracking down on me about my homework and my schedule. I won't go much more into to detail than that but know I'm gonna try to start writing again soon.


Okay so a lot of you might see a bunch of notifications for new stories that all have one chapter but my mind has so many ideas fleshed out to make hole books but I want to share the beginnings of my new adventures with y'all so I'm gonna have make an update schedule because I have several draft books to write that I want to share with y'all. It's probably gonna be a hectic week or two so bear with me and I'll get the update schedule written once I can. The weather is nasty where I am rn and my internet just went down 20 minutes ago so I have to do most of my writing from my phone. Again please bare with me while I get this sorted.
          Love y'all 
          And as always see y'all in the next whatever I post


Whole* not hole my bad


Hi guys if y'all don't post from me in the next week or so don't worry I'll be back I just need some time to sort out some things. There's a lot of stuff going on in my life rn so I just don't know what to write and I need to make sure my family is okay. Which lead to me needed a few days to sort stuff in my head and make some decisions that I've been pushing off deciding. Anyway I'm gonna go back to my isolation talk to y'all soon