Well.. this has been a long awaited announcement that I never thought I was going to make. I’m just here to sadly announce (to any of my followers if they’ve waited for an update) that I will probably no longer be writing. I thought I could juggle my writing life and my personal life, but it became impossible. I started this account when I was 16 and in High School. Now I’m 23, a college graduate, a wife and a new mom. I had so many stories playing in my head that I really wanted to share with everyone. I wanted to continue stories I thought I had finished, but sadly that won’t be happening since i dont have any spare time. I love you all so much and appreciate all the support and positive comments I’ve gotten. I still read all the comments I receive. I hope these books can still bring some piece of mind to people going through hard times. Maybe someday I can come back, but for now this is a farewell. Thank you to anyone reading this and for reading my work ❤️

@destiel_cumberbitch it's a very sweet announcement for me honestly :) i mean... u graduated college... and ur a mommm!! awww... wishing you nothing but the best :D love u moreee.... :) ❤❤❤

@ destiel_cumberbitch congratulations!! i wish you only the best in your life<3 thank you for everythingg

we’re gonna miss you so much ☹️ good luck with the kids, and best of luck to the rest of your life ahead of you!!