
The oneshot/s which I will post after some day will be on Namjoon ffs (of course I will write oneshots of other members too) and those parts would be in such a way that it will be a series, but it won't have any connections with the previous parts and situations. Like each chapter will be having the same characters, but the scenes and situations gonna differ. And as a author, I will experiment writting every types of stories for you all :)
          	Take lob ♥︎ 
          	P.S: I will be late in posting the other chapter of my ongoing story. Till then, please be patient and vote and comment on every chapters. It helps ♡<3


The oneshot/s which I will post after some day will be on Namjoon ffs (of course I will write oneshots of other members too) and those parts would be in such a way that it will be a series, but it won't have any connections with the previous parts and situations. Like each chapter will be having the same characters, but the scenes and situations gonna differ. And as a author, I will experiment writting every types of stories for you all :)
          Take lob ♥︎ 
          P.S: I will be late in posting the other chapter of my ongoing story. Till then, please be patient and vote and comment on every chapters. It helps ♡<3


Hey lobs! I know you have the worst and the most irregular author ever!! But I appreciate your patience and support towrards me and I am really grateful for that.. I just want to tell you that my first exam on two subjects have just finished today, now 2 more days to complete the I guess you know what I am gonna say... please pardon me for delaying this week to from posting the next chapter. After the completion of my exams, I will surely post the next one on next week.. maybe Tuesday or Wednesday? But I'll come back soon. So please wait a little more, I know I don't deserve your love and patience but anyway, Thank you for everything.. A/n lobs u ♥︎♥︎


@destinearjoon14 it's okay 
            We will support and wait for you 


Hi lobs!!! I am sorry for delaying the last week for posting the next chapter of the story. But it seems like I won't be able to post in this week too as my exams are approaching and I am hella busy with my projects and study that I could hardly make some time to look at my phone. I am really sorry as I am gonna be late, but I'll surely post it!! ♥︎


@destinearjoon14 It's ok ☺️
            Study hard baby 
            You can do it 


I am supposed to post the chapter 18 on Monday but I have to delay that because of some issues.. I am leaving the city for three days in the village so there would be no network.. please wait for some more days <3.. till then stay safe and keep smillibg :)


@destinearjoon14 ok baby
            I will wait for you. Stay safe love you 