
Taking down Forgotten, Whispers of Loss and Risen Moon...Sorry guys. I didn't like Risen Moon much and might restart it with a totally different plot, but kind of the same characters. I haven't written on Whispers of Loss since 2010...uh and Forgotten needs major editing, I might continue it later. The only one I'm keeping is The Beast and ya


Taking down Forgotten, Whispers of Loss and Risen Moon...Sorry guys. I didn't like Risen Moon much and might restart it with a totally different plot, but kind of the same characters. I haven't written on Whispers of Loss since 2010...uh and Forgotten needs major editing, I might continue it later. The only one I'm keeping is The Beast and ya


Hey guys! I posted a lot today! Sorry about not posting for forever :( I can be a little bit of a procastinator...some days. Anyways, I posted a new chapter on Forgotten , Two on the Beast and me and one on Risen Moon Check them out! I'm out of my writers block so expect more soon :) Happy reading :)