
project for writters and anime lovers alive. Project emmensity. a world building server that is making its own serialized offical novels and branding. feel free to join the current storyline. id love to talk and see each one of you. all though its mostly people with freetime.


would anybody like to join a project that im doing on discord, everyone writes their own story but it shares the same world with the rest of us, every Sunday we put our chapter on discord, can be as long or as short as they want it


I will tell when i get back from school have a good day and take care 


@storiesrealistic so its all about making your own main character in this big expansive world/ universe and you make however many chapters are in each saga. you can talk to others in the discord and collab with them if you want. you can do your own thing or connect to the main plotline and this story is planned to be offically published.