
/     apologies   for   the   delays   on   all   accounts.    super   drained   from   work   &   need   the   extra   hours   of   sleep!   will   be   getting   to   everything   soon !  <33


/:   take all the time you need to rest hun! accs & replies can wait.  you first !


      ``  and who might you be  ? didn't realize I was getting help with this case  . ``


@bIoodyjustice     (  . . .  )       you   must   be   vaughn .       detective   alexa   novak.     [        the   brunette   woman   introduced,   her   gloved   hands   shoved   into   the   pockets   of   her   leather   jacket   as   her   eyebrow   raised.        ]       from   the   case   file,   I’d   say   you   need   all   the   help   you   can   get.    don’t   take   out   the   messenger.   I   got   a   last   minute   call.    if   you   want   someone   to   blame   for   it,    blame   mendelez.   he   was   / insistent / .     


❝ what’s with the gloves. ❞


@detecterror   ⁝    ** he would bark out a laugh at her comment of reluctance to switch out style for warmth. and for a good part of it, he could definitely agree he wouldn’t want to switch attire. running warm had its perks though. for him anyways. he would note her reluctance to shake his hand and for a moment he thought it was because of him? did she suspect him for something? no. he wouldn’t let that worry him too much. dropping his hand as she pulled away his nose would twitch as he picked up on the coppery smell of blood. wanted to ask if she was alright but a ‘normal’ human wouldn’t pick up on that. so he cleared his throat and would give a slow nod to her words. ❝ detective huh, well.. ❞  ** reluctance didn’t look good for a guy who tensed at the mention of attacks so he would put on his best smile. ❝ ranger yes. and you may, anything i can do to help solve some of this chaos in town. ❞


@carniis    (  . . .  )      but   I   / love /   my   leather   jackets .     [       the   corners   of   her   mouth   curled   up   into   a   faint   grin   as   she   folded   her   arms   over   her   chest.    that   smile   faltered   slightly,   not   quite   reaching   her   eyes   at   his   response   to   her   comment   about   the   animal   attacks.     animal   attacks   weren’t   uncommon,    but   this   many   happening   all   at   once   in   the    same   shitty   little   town   had   its   suspicions.    the    brunette    simply   stared   at   his   outstretched   hand,   swallowing   the   lump   that   had   formed   in   her   throat.   even   with   the   gloves   on,    she   was   still   always   hesitant.   she   bit   her   tongue   harshly,   enough   to   draw   blood   as   she   carefully   shook   his   hand.     anxiety   clawed   within    her   chest,    but   she   pushed   it   aside,   waiting   long   enough   to   be   considered   “normal”,    before   withdrawing   her   gloved   palm.       ]          alexa  novak.     detective.    and   small   town   traveller,   apparently. . .    ranger,   huh ?    mind   if   I   ask   you   some   questions ? 


@detecterror   ⁝    ❝ well this is washington . it’s wet & cloudy.  it’s like our thing really, and you may as well need a little thicker coat. ❞  ** he would get the sense that she wasn’t being honest but it was probably his creative imagination. at the mention of attacks the man would visibly tense. jaw clenching before calming & offering a small shrug and wry smile. his hands would go to rest upon his hips. ❝ you’re guess is as good as mine.. ❞  ** it wasn’t. he knew what was happening. a few of them his own slip up. and the others rogue vampires he hadn’t managed to catch yet. ❝ im carlisle, the ranger of the woods. ❞  ** left hand leaving his hip he would extend it to her in greeting. 


  i  don't  know  how  many  times  i  have  to  ask  before  you  you  actually  listen   im  /  working  /  i  need  it  to  be  quiet. 


            [  while  she  was  able  to  see  this  horrendous  act  in  eyes  of  the  seemingly  innocent  victim  will  saw  it from  the  opposite.  the  eyes  of  the  killer,  every  meticulous  step  that  led  up to  the  sight  that  would  surely  haunt  him  tonight  and  for  several  nights  to  come.  it  was  only  a  matter  of  time  before  he  wouldn't  be  able  to  do  this  anymore.  his  eyes  closed  and  he  heard  a  loud  buzzing  filling  his  ears.  the  scene  seemingly  wiping  clean  and  the  events  of  how  it  played  out  flashed  through  his  mind.  each  vision  like  it were  a  recovered  memory  of  his  very  own.  they  stood  beside  each  other  yet  they  saw  this  scene  so  differently.  the  blood  stained  his  hands  and  it  felt  so  real  it  made  his  skin  crawl.  his  eyes  snapping  open  as  he  took  a  couple  steps  backwards,  on  unstable  legs.  he  felt  like  he  needed  to  wash  his  hands,  scrub  them  rather  and  he  looked  down  just  to  ensure  blood  wasn't  staining  his  sweaty  palms.  and  for  a  mere  moment  it  was,  crimson  panting  his  fingers,  warm  and  fresh.  now  he  was  backing  up  even  more  watching  the  blood  dripping  down  his  forearms  as  his  hair  stood  on  end,  goosebumps  dotting  his  skin.  but  it  wasn't  real,  that's  what  he  had  to  tell  himself  over  and  over  again. at  first  mentally  and  then  aloud  under  his   breath.  ]


this message may be offensive
@empathybydesign   (  . . .  )      [       there   was   a   surprising   shift   in   her   expression,   one   of   softness,   but   certainly   not   pity.   the   woman   nodded   ,    watching   him   as   he   worked   for   a   few   minutes.    she   tucked   her   exposed   hands   into   the   safety   of   her   jacket,    her   own   gaze   wandering   over   the   gruesome   display   of   violence.    her   fingers   curled   around   the   hip   flask   she   had   concealed   within   her   pocket.   a   safety   net,   just   in   case   she   needed   it   —   fuck   whatever   other   people   thought   about   it.    alexa   gave   him   the   silence   he   craved,   eyes   scanning   the   place   until   her   attention   landed   upon   the   bloodied   scarf   discarded   near   the   edge   of   the   pool   of   blood.   she   swallowed,   wincing   as   a   piercing   scream   echoed   through   her   mind.   she   moved   forward,   slowly,   quietly,   as   if   not   to   disturb   will’s   train   of   thought,   crouching   beside   the   scarf.    her   fingers   itched.   she   hated   doing   this   —   every   time   it   would   allow   the   horrors   of   the   victim   inside   her   mind,    forever   haunting   her,   forever   yelling.   but   she   needed   to   know.    her   fingers   only   brushed   lightly   against   the   silk   fabric,    before   she   choked   back   a   cry   as   she   was   pulled   back   into   the   sights   of   the   victim.    her   teeth   gritted ,   her   eyes   scrunched   closed    as   her   hand   clenched   the   scarf   tighter.   glimpses   flashed   like   polaroids   in   her   mind   —   they   lacked   clarity   ,   but   she   could   / see /—         ] 


            [  a  shaking  breath  was  taken  in,  his  back  was  to  her  and  his  eyes  were  fixed  on  the  grizzly  scene.  he'd  seen  so  many  nightmare  inducing  crimes  with  his  own  eyes,  flipped  through  picture  after  picture  documenting  every  weapon,  every  angle.  it  had  finally  broken  him  but  he  didn't  want  to  seem  weak.  he  was  convinced  it was  a  minor  setback.  that  he  could  pick  himself  back  up  again.  his  eyes  traced  the  puddle  of  liquid  that  flowed  from  the  body  his  nose  scrunching  slightly. it  was  almost  physically  painful  to  be  here  after  everything  he'd  been  going  through.  loss  of  time,  lack  of  sleep..  apparently  some  form  of  sleep  walking  too.  only  a  few  nights  ago  he'd  woken  up  in  the  middle  of  a  back  road,  pretty  far  from  his  home  considering  he'd  apparently  walked  them.  luckily  for  him  an  officer  found  him  and  took  him  home  without  an  issue.  these  were  things  he  wouldn't  even  disclose  to  jack  himself.  ]   you..  don't  have  to  leave.  just  a  couple  moments  of  silence  /  please  /  


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❝ what was that |shit| you pulled back there — ❞


@bludlovr    (  . . .  )     [     alexa   narrowed   her   sharp   hazel   eyes   at   arthur,   shaking   off   the   lingering   adrenaline   from   the   encounter.   her   dark   leather   jacket   was   scuffed   from   the   scuffle,   and   a   smear   of   dirt   marked   her   cheek,   but   she   barely   seemed   to   notice.    ]    you’re   gonna   have   to   be   more   specific.  was   it   the   part   where   I   saved   your   ass,   or   the   part   where   I   made   sure   we   actually   got   what   we   came   for  ?   he   was   getting   away.    if   I   hadn’t   have   gone   after   him,   we’d   be   in   the   same   spot   we   were   weeks  ago.    / without   a   lead / .  I   did   what   I   needed   to   do.


/    cb   &   specify   mood   !   &   please   drop   interactions   on   here !   I   really   wanna   bring   her   back   <33


      /      amused or curious pls 


/ i have a werewolf detective omg..




            / YEAH , i brought him back cause i got rid of him for awhile but he’s back ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ it’s @howlprints :3