
{{- When you forget you have an account-


“You ever just wanna have a mutual relationship with someone?”
          “Though my idea probably isn’t what your thinking...”
          “I haven’t fed in almost three months...”
          “Would anyone be up for a short... intimate session? You provide me with a little blood... and I give you quite possibly the best night of your life?” 


“Imagine the most horrible thing you can think of. Imagine pain coursing through your veins and an insatiable urge to kill your loved ones biting at the back of your head. Now pair it with enhanced strength and stamina, as well as heightened senses.”
          “It sounds good, yes?”
          “It’s not.” 
          “It is hell on earth.”
          “And that’s what I’ve become.”
          “A demon trapped here because not even hell will take me.” 
          “I used to save lives. Now I have to destroy them to survive.”
          “That’s why I don’t.”