
/        uhhhhhh  cb  for  a  one   -   liner     (    specify mood   !     )


          	  * uhh skeptical ? 


*/   curious pls


you’re on the wrong side , detective 


                  oh.     ` yer that    ..    uh.     /    deviant    /     leader  ,      huh     ?      didn’t think we’d    ,,     meet in this fashion.     *     the gun that had been raised was instantly dropped   ,     calloused fingers fidgeting with the long range weapon in his hands     —     before flicking the safety on.     the other had merely scared him.     a form of     ..      /    habit    /    ,     if you will.     *     ` n  what’d’ya mean by that       ?      you should feel lucky  ,     kid     —     i could be turning you in right about now     —      but.    i won’t.     today’s my off day    ..      &     you seem friendly enough.


                 nah     ,       it’s nothin ’       .      don’t worry about it      .      *     dismissing the other with a wave of his hand     ,     he smiled     ,     muttering the name a few times before nodding slowly      .     *     colin    .     has a nice ring to it     —     who they station you with     ?    or are ‘ ya free roaming until they pair ‘ ya up with someone     ?     *     to be completely honest     ,      the detective had no clue how the     ‘    android    /    cop     ’     dynamic     —      or if there was one at all     .     surely androids could do their jobs without humans mingling about      ,     right     ?      *


/        uhhhhhh  cb  for  a  one   -   liner     (    specify mood   !     )


            * uhh skeptical ? 


*/   curious pls


this message may be offensive
                hm    .     *     not paying much attention to the little outburst the other male perturbed    ,     he sighed    ,     shaking his head slowly     .    was he always this dramatic    ?     he couldn’t quite remember     —     *     i never said that    .  .    but    ,     considering the other menschen you’ve dated before now    ,     i’d say yeah     —    your standards are pretty low     .  .    *    the small hint of german surprised even himself    ,    as he nodded off towards the large glass office that belonged to fowler      :      which now remained dark    ,     and locked    .      *     just make sure the boss hears what happened      ,     i’m sure he’ll appreciate the little insight the killer has      :      make sure to also get the old man interrogated before we send him in the slammer     . . .     who knows what type of sick shit he has on him     .      *     with that     ,     he began to walk off towards the door      :     not bothering to see if the other would follow     .     after all     ,    a nice drink of whiskey sounded to good to be stopped for      ,    right about now      *
          /     damn this was hell late i    —


          it’s  an  impressive  feet  ,  if  you think  about  it   —   hiding  in  some  older  gentleman’s  home  without  him  knowin’   .  .   i’d  give  tops  to  that   .   *   eyes  wandering  off  to  the  sides  he  nodded   ,   chuckling  slightly  at  the  small  grunt  emitted  from  the  other  male   .   in  some  strange  way   ,   he  sounded  like  his  own   dog   ,   when  he  didn’t  feed  him  on  time   ,   that  is   .   *    i’m  just  surprised  you  carried  onto  it  on  the  way  t’  talk  to  me   —  seems  like  somethin’  you’d  throw  away  subconsciously   ,   reed   .


          well  ,  he’s  not  very  good  at  his  hobby  ,  then   —  you’re  still  here   .   *   obviously   ,   he  was  simply  joking   ,   as  his  arms  crossed  over  his  broad  chest   ,   a  smile  fixing  onto  his  lips   *   did  ya’ll  catch  him   ?   heard  he  was   ,  uh   .   .   on  the  run  for  awhile   .   also   ,   what’s  with  the  paper   ?   *   the  digits  written  hurriedly  on  the  small  torn  paper  radiated  odd  intentions   ,   as  a  few  small  hearts  laid  scattered  on  the  right  of  the  eleven  digit  number   .   although   ,   gavin’s  hand  covered  up  most  of  the   written  text   *   someone  give  ya’  there  number   ?
          /    yeah   ,   i  saw  the  first  one   too   >:))