hi guys c: I'm blaze XD yes, a chick. I know not unheard of but still thought I'd clarify that tiny detail. This little blurb will maybe one day get buried, which is chill, and if not also chill - but a little about me; I love music, words, positivity, deeps thoughts, small details, little conversations, ect. // T.V shows: TWD, Prison Break, The Blacklist, Lost, Hemlock Grove, ABC's Grey's Anatomy, ect. // I have many addictions... for example: Netflix, Barnes and Noble, food, dogs, ect. // I have a pet fish named Mr. Reddington and three snails: Omally, Lincoln, and Hershel XD // I love bearded men // I have a condition called Narcolepsy with Cataplexy along with SVT hence my favorite movie is Love and Other Drugs // DM me anytime I love conversation and meeting new people // I am working on a gut renching story which I hope to be out soon (major procrastinator right here) but when that is out, I hope any of you who are reading this follow it! thanks much, blaze xx