
          	I'm sitting here waiting for you 
          	I love you very much
          	....but we barely talked.....
          	... you're always busy...or don't want to bother me....
          	I would wait 
          	And wait and wait for you...
          	No text back 
          	I missed how we talked a lot on Twitter....
          	Now on discord not anyone.......
          	I would sit and cry...
          	Waiting for you..
          	I get it I'm annoying and bothering you too much 
          	I love you still I'm not mad or anything at you I wish we talked like we used 
          	Soon I'm gonna be on summer break...
          	So I wish for us to talk a lot in summer time....


          I'm sitting here waiting for you 
          I love you very much
          ....but we barely talked.....
          ... you're always busy...or don't want to bother me....
          I would wait 
          And wait and wait for you...
          No text back 
          I missed how we talked a lot on Twitter....
          Now on discord not anyone.......
          I would sit and cry...
          Waiting for you..
          I get it I'm annoying and bothering you too much 
          I love you still I'm not mad or anything at you I wish we talked like we used 
          Soon I'm gonna be on summer break...
          So I wish for us to talk a lot in summer time....


Hello everyone I'm not really on here that much but I do want to be here as much as I can but I used come on here to read books and roleplay but between me and my ex girlfriend deadwolf were dating and things went downhill since i went busy because i was busy moving and me and her broke up and I'm guessing she got a new girlfriend but I'm hope she happy without but I went depressed after things between her and I but I'm doing good now but for now if I have the times i can roleplay I can try but i don't know but i do want to read books on here but I stopped reading books cuz life and I can't delete my old account cuz I have messages on there that I do want to read and that everyone that follows me on there to follow me back on here so I can talk to you guys again because I do want to talk to my old friends on here but I'm usually on discord more but yeah that's what I have to say here bye

