It’s 2023 and Ive just started today on my journey on waiting for the sequel.

I adore this story so much ❤️ Not to be a nuisance but…is the sequel gonna be ready any time soon?

How’s the sequel? I hate bugging people abt sequels but you said it was coming!!

Hey great story so far. I just wanted to know if you noticed the error of part 1 and 2 of the second chapter. They're exactly the same word for word and I was wondering if it might be a bug, and if so will it be fixed? I don't want to feel like I'm missing out on part of the story if it was supposed to be a whole other chapter.

@jenhenrawr NP. So happy to help. You are an amazing writer by the way. I love how descriptive you are. I haven't been able to stop reading.

@jenhenrawr just fixed it! Thank you for letting me know!!! I thought I was going crazy when people kept saying they were the same, when I wrote them different. I didn't notice until now that there was a mistake so THANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOU for telling me!

@devilindisguise97 I think it was probably like that before and some error must have happened on my end cause i flipped back and forth between the two and they're both in louis' pov, word for word on my end. A few others are seeing the same thing i am.

Your fic is so well written I’m in awe, hope you’re doing good! All the love, Daniel xo

@danielpawelthelarry I'm trying so hard to get it done asap, but it's taking longer than expected. Fingers crossed it's ready for you soon. thank you again....over and over

I’m glad it made your day ! And the sequel?! I WAS NOT AWARE THERE WILL BE A SEQUEL!!! IM SO READYYYY

@danielpawelthelarry i've ONLY just seen this...i'm soo sorry!! Thank you!!! This comment has MADE MY DAY! I'm soooo glad you enjoyed it, and I hope you enjoy the sequel just as much --- working on it now, so hopefully it'll be done soon! Thank you thank you thank you!!!!!!!

Hey girlie are you alive if so i hope ur doing well, and i LOVE the book, have agood day :)

@stupid_weebz I am alive! lmao......i'm doing very well ---- THANK YOU for your kind words - I'm so happy that you liked the story! thank you for your support and I hope you have a good day too!!!